Coffee review

Different basic knowledge of American Coffee Culture

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, It is only natural that the tradition of cafes spread from London to the United States. The early cafes in the United States were modelled on those in London, but slightly more dignified than the latter. Like Mr. Lloyd's in London, cafes in the United States are great places to do business and spread information. There are even conference rooms for trials, auctions and dissemination of transactions.


It was only natural that the coffee-house tradition should spread from London to America. The early coffee houses in America were modeled after London's coffee houses, though they were slightly more dignified. Like Lloyd's in London, coffee shops in America are great places to do business and spread information. There are even conference rooms for trials, auctions and dissemination of transactions. But tea was still dominant among drinks. In 1767 King George III of England enacted the Stamp Act to raise taxes. This led to the Boston Tea Party of 1773. From that moment on, coffee became America's national drink.

The United States is a vast, multi-ethnic country, and naturally there is no single way to enjoy coffee. But overall, American coffee is light and clear, almost transparent, and you can even see the brown coffee at the bottom of the cup. The American preference for this light coffee was largely due to the preference for black tea among the early Anglo-Saxon Puritans, who made up the majority of the American population. After the Boston Tea Party, Americans became accustomed to coffee instead of black tea. The popular favorite drink has also gradually shifted from black tea to coffee.

From western cowboys frying coffee beans in a pan to the introduction of the French "boiler," Americans make coffee in a less flattering way, but they have always adhered to the fine tradition that good coffee must be freshly roasted. Even during the war, soldiers in the field did not hesitate to carry a wok and grinder with them in order to drink fresh coffee.

During the Civil War, Burns invented the hot air coffee roaster and quickly changed the habit of buying raw beans in grocery stores under the commercial operation of companies such as Abaku. By the end of the 19th century, people had largely given up buying green beans and roasting them themselves in favor of buying roasted coffee beans. Of course, they didn't change their habit of focusing on freshness, so merchants offered various magic weapons to play the "fresh and convenient" card, such as the delivery cart of Treasure Company, which delivered the roasted coffee beans directly to their doorstep; for example, Chase and Sangbang Company marked the roasting date on the packaging bag, which has been used to this day and influenced almost the entire food industry; One of the most important of course is coffee food packaging, metal cans, vacuum, etc., people have been working hard for coffee preservation.

Americans now consume nearly 10 pounds of coffee per person per year, not as much as European countries such as Finland, but more than any other country in the world. In fact, the United States has been ranked among the top three coffee consumers in the world.

Americans drink coffee like a game that doesn't need rules, with no taboos. Europeans brew coffee with all kinds of attention, Americans are dismissive. Americans drink coffee freely, and coffee also penetrates their lives so deeply that it is difficult to separate them, and the influence is so deep that they can not live without coffee. It is said that the Apollo 13 spacecraft, the first manned class to the moon, had a life-and-death failure on its way home. At that time, the ground staff comforted the three astronauts with one sentence: Come on! Hot coffee awaits you. Whether at home, in the office, in public, or at a roadside vending machine, Americans can't do without coffee almost 24 hours a day. This accounts for one-third of the world's coffee production and is the world's largest coffee consumer.

Generally speaking, American life is busy and tense, unlike the people in Europe and the Middle East, who can enjoy life in a leisurely mood, manifested in drinking coffee, often a large pot of electric filtered coffee (Drip Coffee Marker), from morning to night, due to the increase in water, coffee less (a cup of 10 grams of coffee to 200cc of water), the taste is particularly weak, so many people criticize American coffee is really hard to drink. In fact, coffee drinkers across the United States can still taste their favorite coffee flavor with a little effort. If pure American coffee is divided into two main types, the East Coast of the United States is stronger than the West Coast, and the South is stronger than the North. Ethnically speaking, southern European and Latino people prefer strong coffee more than British, German and northern European immigrants.

In addition, although the United States is the largest exporter of instant coffee, there are not many people who drink instant coffee in the United States itself. As a result of their increasing emphasis on healthy eating in recent years, there has been an increase in the market for coffee-free Coffee, and the trend of drinking coffee without sugar has become more and more common.

Coffee culture in San Francisco

San Francisco is truly a vacation paradise. The cultural landscape is pleasing, the restaurant cuisine is amazing, and the grand hotel is gorgeous beyond imagination. Theaters and sports are everything visitors expect from a major American city.


From the air, San Francisco is as neat as a transistor radio: a collection of stunning Victoria buildings, square parks, beachfront vistas, beautifully decorated skyscrapers, reflective glass reflecting street views, winding freeways stretching into the skyline of downtown.

San francisco's strongest note is the enthusiasm of immigrants, an intoxicating mix of cultures: distinct italian, chinese, spanish, japanese and south asian communities dot california. This is the city that gave us the beat generation, the hippie revolution, the gay demonstrations, and the yuppies. Whether you like raving or Frank. Sinatra, whether you're into ballet or skateboarding, you can have fun here. San Francisco welcomes you because it is the most generous city in America and one of the greatest cities in the world.

Sometimes San Francisco looks like Europe because there are so many coffee houses. San Franciscans love coffee almost madly, and they tend to measure their lives by coffee spoons. There are at least 40 ways to order coffee, and about 250 recipes worth trying. San Franciscans are used to coffee houses as community centers, where they make friends, listen to poetry, and read alternative publications. Poetry recitation and newspaper reading are the basic components of coffee culture, and specialty coffee is the essence of coffee culture. There are four specialty coffees: espresso is black, cappuccino is black with frosted milk, latte is hot milk with black coffee, and mocha is hot milk with chocolate and cream. In addition, lemon juice, vanilla, etc. are also very popular in San Francisco, they are good spices when drinking coffee.

Coffee shops and Starbucks in America

The first coffee house in the United States was the London Coffee House, which opened in Boston in 1691. The largest coffee shop in the world was founded in Boston in 1808, but unfortunately it was destroyed in a fire ten years later.

Today's American coffee shop has its own unique form and atmosphere, like the popular American fast food culture, most American coffee shops also reflect a fast-paced lifestyle of American society.

Americans have created many miracles in the restaurant industry, such as the well-known McDonald's, KFC, Pizza Hut and other famous chain brands, but no one would have thought that Starbucks would create another fairytale glory in just 20 years.

Nowadays, when you walk into many modern cities around the world, you will see a green circular icon with a goddess on the logo, smiling and telling you a miracle from America.

You might not have been surprised if 20 years ago no one knew McDonald's in China, but wouldn't you have been surprised if someone told you that Starbucks, the most famous American coffee chain in the world today, was unknown to Americans 20 years ago?

Starbucks has more than 6000 stores worldwide, including 4700 in North America, and plans to expand to 10000 stores in the near future. Looking around the world, how many chain operations can there be on this scale? But who would have thought that Starbucks had only one humble store at the beginning of its establishment in 1971, and only 20 years later, its branches reached 2000, and another 10 years later, this number quadrupled again, which is simply a miracle of the world economy. Besides Starbucks 'excellent operators, there is also an indispensable role in creating this miracle, and that is coffee.

Starbucks is a coffee shop in the true sense of the word, and although it operates as a chain, each store, whether in North America or China, displays the style and atmosphere of an American coffee shop. Nearly 30 Starbucks stores have been opened in Beijing, and Starbucks in Shanghai has become more and more popular with fashion youth. Starbucks is a symbol of fashion culture around the world, and it was recently named one of the top ten most popular brands among fashionable women in the world, which is a perfect interpretation of the characteristics of American coffee shops.