Coffee review

Charming Coffee making method Hawaiian Coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Viennese Coffee-ingredients: one cup of hot coffee, right amount of fresh cream, right amount of chocolate syrup, a little colorful chocolate, sugar packet. Practice: a cup of hot coffee is about 8 minutes full, whirled with whipped cream, sprinkled with appropriate amount of chocolate syrup, sprinkled with colorful chocolate fruit and served with sugar. Features: this famous coffee from Austria has three paragraphs.

-Viennese coffee-

Ingredients: one cup of hot coffee, right amount of fresh cream, right amount of chocolate syrup, a little colorful chocolate, sugar packet.

Practice: a cup of hot coffee is about 8 minutes full, whirled with whipped cream, sprinkled with appropriate amount of chocolate syrup, sprinkled with colorful chocolate fruit and served with sugar.

Features: this famous coffee from Austria has a three-stage taste and is suitable for people with a sweet tooth.

Suitable drinking time: morning or afternoon.

-Hawaiian Coffee-

Ingredients: a cup of hot coffee, right amount of whipped cream, a little mint wine

Practice: a cup of hot coffee is about 8 cents full, whirled with a layer of whipped cream, and sprinkled with a little liqueur.

Features: the refreshing feeling of peppermint wine will make the dry and hot feeling disappear, drink hot coffee through the cold whipped cream, feel unique flavor, like being in the Gulf of Hawaii.

Suitable time to drink: afternoon or after meal.

-Vanilla iced coffee-

Ingredients: one cup of hot coffee, one Vanilla Ice Cream ball, 1 ounce sugar water, 2 ounces of crushed ice.

What to do: put the crushed ice into the mixer, pour into the coffee, add half a vanilla ice cream ball, 1 pound 2 ounces of sugar water, shake hard, then pour into a glass, add crushed ice, rotate the remaining half of Vanilla Ice Cream ball on ice, and finally sprinkle with almond slices.

Features: cold iced coffee, light and pleasant, with fresh aromas of cream and vanilla.

Suitable drinking time: all day.

-Irish Coffee-

Materials: Irish Whiskey 1 pound 2 oz ~ 1 oz, cube sugar, a cup of hot coffee, right amount of fresh cream.

How to do it: put 1 ounce Irish Whiskey into the special cup, add cube sugar (or 2 tablespoons granulated sugar), put on the special rack, heat it with an alcohol lamp until the sugar melts, then pour in the hot coffee about 8 minutes full, and finally add a layer of cream.

Features: strong aroma, suitable for men to drink.

Suitable drinking time: night.

-Comprehensive fruit ice coffee-

The arrangement of cut carving of fruit is very varied, with whipped cream squeezing flowers and sandwiched between them, creating a rich feeling, eating time to enjoy different tastes, gradually from light appetizer to full-bodied.

Features: you can enjoy different flavors in different layers.

Trick: the fruit arrangement should be creative, and the whipped cream is more beautiful when squeezed between the fruits.

Taste: supple and sweet.

Materials: right amount of crushed ice, 1 cup of iced coffee, Brown Creme De Cacao 1/3OZ, 1 ball of Vanilla Ice Cream, right amount of comprehensive fruit (or canned), right amount of fresh cream.

Procedure: fill the cup with 5 minutes of crushed ice, then add sweetened iced coffee, 1/3OZ brown cocoa, 1 ball of Vanilla Ice Cream and canned fruit, rotate and add a layer of whipped cream.

Suitable drinking time: all day

-Love story coffee-

"Love wine, don't drink too much." Like this song that echoes in my ears, this coffee is strong and mellow, enough to make people dizzy!

Features: mixed spirits and sweet wine, fully stimulate the flavor of coffee, strong strength, suitable for people who love the adventure to drink, to ensure that it will be unforgettable for life.

Tip: according to the taste of guests, increase or decrease the amount of wine, change at will, into its own style.

Taste: bitter, mellow

Materials: 1 cup cappuccino coffee, coffee wine (Kahlua) 1/4OZ, brown cocoa wine (Brown Creme Decacao) 1/4OZ, Vodka 1/4OZ, sugar packet.

Procedure: add coffee wine 1/4OZ, brown cocoa wine 1/4OZ, vodka 1/4OZ and sugar packet to cappuccino coffee.

Suitable drinking time: after dinner, in the afternoon

-Ginger coffee-

The use of fresh spicy ginger with coffee makes it irritating and feverish. It is not only effective, but also unique in flavor.

Features: the use of fresh spicy ginger slices, more pungent characteristics, its irritation can resist fever.

Trick: the old ginger slices should be cut very thin.

Taste: spicy and spicy.

Materials: 1 cup of hot coffee, 1-2 slices of ginger, sugar packet.

Procedure: 1 cup of hot coffee is about 8 cents full, add 1 to 2 slices of ginger, attach sugar packet and serve.

Suitable drinking time: evening, after meal

-warm coffee-

After lighting the flame, the table is quite fresh and exciting, the waves are warm and charming. Enjoy the preparation fun before drinking, and enjoy the pleasure of strength after drinking.

Features: romantic and charming drinking amorous feelings, very enjoy the pleasure of life.

Tip: sliced lemon should be thinly sliced and snack immediately without wind. Lemon slices should not be soaked for too long and should be taken out as soon as possible.

Taste: bitter, mellow, strong, sour

Materials: 1 cup of hot coffee, lemon slices, Rum 1/2~1/3OZ, sugar packet.

Procedure: 1 cup of hot coffee is about 7 cents full, put 1 slice of lemon on top (fresh and thinly cut), then sprinkle 1/2~2/3OZ Rum, light the fire and send it to the table with sugar packet.

Suitable drinking time: after meal, at night

-Green tea, coffee-

The new popular coffee with health orientation, with a touch of green tea aroma, quite Japanese flavor, you might as well give it a try!

Features: using green tea powder imported from Japan, with unique green tea aroma and sweet taste.

Tip: green tea powder has a health care effect, the quantity can be increased or decreased at will.

Taste: bitter, mellow, fragrant

Ingredients: 1 cup of espresso, sugar packet, right amount of fresh cream, a little green tea powder.

Procedure: 1 cup of espresso is about 8 minutes full, rotate and add a layer of whipped cream, sprinkle with a little green tea powder, attach sugar packet and serve.

Suitable drinking time: all day