Coffee review

The correct way to make Italian Coffee the essence of Italian coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, As the name implies, Italian coffee originated in Italy, is the essence of Italian coffee, the main feature is the use of steam pressure, instant extraction of coffee liquid, the general milk coffee is made on this basis. The main development methods are as follows: 1. Before brewing coffee, preheat the machine, turn on the power switch of the coffee machine, and precook the wrench and the coffee cup.

As the name implies, Italian coffee originated in Italy, is the essence of Italian coffee, the main feature is the use of steam pressure, instant extraction of coffee liquid, the general milk coffee is made on this basis.

The main development methods are as follows:

1. Before brewing coffee, preheat the machine, turn on the power switch of the coffee machine, preheat the cooking wrench and the coffee cup, so as to keep the coffee delicious.

2. The degree of grinding of coffee powder must be appropriate, not too thick or fine, otherwise it will affect the taste of coffee.

3. First, put the standard amount of coffee powder, about 7 grams, into the cooking wrench, press slightly on the handle of the grinder, so that the water can evenly pass through the coffee powder, then screw the wrench to the coffee machine, and then press the switch. wait 22 to 28 seconds.

4. In the production of Italian coffee, it must be noted that more water can not be put in. When the coffee foam overflows, its color will change gradually, it will be golden at first, and it will gradually whiten with the time of soaking. And it must be finished cooking before whitening.

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5. For milk foaming, cold milk must be used and the milk must be poured into a stainless steel cup. In the process of milk foaming, it is easy to transfer the temperature to the hand.

6. Pour the Italian coffee into the cup, then pour the hot milk into the cup, and the corresponding amount of milk must reach 1/2 of the cup capacity, and finally put a little chocolate powder on top of the liquid.

7. For coffee making, you can use the stratification method, pour the hot milk into the glass, at the same time, the amount of milk can be more than half of the cup, and finally pour the coffee, there will be delamination.

8. the most important rule of coffee here is that the milk is not too hot, otherwise you can't hold the coffee well, and you can't pour too much coffee, fill the transparent cup with water, pour milk at 1/2 of the cup capacity, and also pour in the coffee, and finally add a little chocolate powder as a decoration.