Coffee review

Explain in detail-Why does coffee taste sour?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Before going to an unfamiliar coffee shop in a planned way, I usually search the Internet for information and comments. I wanted to get a general idea of the quality of the coffee in this shop. Most of the comments that can be seen are about the environment and service, and there are few direct comments on coffee. More coffee is not bad, coffee is generally scrawled. Flipping through the comments of Meituan and Dianping, they all tried their best to express their comments to the Institute.

Before going to an unfamiliar coffee shop in a planned way, I usually search the Internet for information and comments. I wanted to get a general idea of the quality of the coffee in this shop. Most of the comments that can be seen are about the environment and service, and there are few direct comments on coffee. "Coffee is good", "Coffee in general" and so on. The comments on "Meituan" and "Dianping" also tried to express their dissatisfaction with the coffee they drank. Some of them think how can coffee be sour? sour coffee tastes terrible.



Why is coffee sour?


● coffee bean itself comes from a kind of fruit, generally speaking, we call it "coffee cherry", acid is its normal flavor, analogous to lemon, citrus and so on. Different varieties of coffee beans show different acidity.

The degree of ● roasting and water temperature will affect the acidity of coffee. During the baking process of coffee beans, brown pigments, amino acids and proteins in coffee beans will react with the increase of temperature (good bitterness: chlorogenic acid lactone; bad bitterness: vinyl catechol polymer). This is the origin of the bitter taste of coffee. In other words, the deeper the baking, the more bitter it tastes. But it is important to note that the depth of baking has nothing to do with caffeine.


● acid is divided into pleasant fruit acid and scream sharp acid. Acidity must be terrible, but elegant acidity is fascinating.

● lists the acidity of coffee as one of the important indicators of coffee score.


(SCAE European Fine Coffee Association, Cup Test form)

In retrospect, why does the public think that sour coffee is bad?

● 's preconceived inertia, from instant coffee to espresso, mostly take deep-roasted coffee beans as raw materials, and have been cultivated for too many years.


● industry chaos. Due to the lack of industry standards and norms in China's coffee industry, many black-hearted merchants use low-quality, residual coffee raw beans for roasting. After deep roasting, the bad smell of shoddy coffee beans is masked by smoky and scorched bitterness.

However, in recent years, with the wave of boutique coffee sweeping into China, more and more Chinese people also find out why so much coffee has the problem of sour feeling.


We queried the keyword "boutique coffee" through the Baidu index query system. From the picture, we can see that before June 2013, the public had little curiosity about "boutique coffee", but the keyword search for "boutique coffee" increased significantly after June 2013. It's hard to attribute the explosive search for "boutique coffee" to major events or topics, but at the same time, Starbucks China stores have launched hand-brewed coffee, and it's not sure if there's a connection.

The emergence of high-quality coffee is an inevitable product for people to pursue high-quality coffee, which is closely related to the efforts of coffee practitioners, from planting, picking, selecting, roasting to making a cup of coffee that respects the original taste. The flavor of coffee is shown to a greater extent, and the soft acidity is one of them.

Of course, acidity is not the inevitable taste of fine coffee after roasting, in addition to acidity, fine coffee has unlimited possibilities to show a variety of flavors.


With the continuous change in the perception of coffee, the presentation of coffee is also constantly changing, which has long broken the pattern of mellow and bitter domination. More and more boutique coffee has been added to respect the "original taste" by medium and shallow roasting, and the flavor of coffee is also more diversified. A good cup of coffee can have many flavors and burst out between the tip of the tongue and the throat.

Write at the end

There is such a phenomenon in psychology: people usually express what they like concretely and generalize what they don't like. From the evaluation of the coffee shop, it can be inferred that at this stage, what really attracts the public into the coffee shop is whether the environment and service are satisfactory, and whether the flavor of the coffee is palatable or not is very important.