Coffee review

-latte.-what you have to know.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Latte is the transliteration of Italian Latte. Latte (CoffeeLatte) is a kind of fancy coffee. The perfect blend of coffee and milk, the Italian latte is pure milk and coffee, while the American latte replaces part of the milk with milk foam. Lattes come from an interesting historical fact. Different lattes are cooked and tasted in the same way, but each has its own flavor. Take the Italian latte

Latte is the transliteration of Italian "Latte", and CoffeeLatte is a kind of fancy coffee. The perfect blend of coffee and milk, the Italian latte is pure milk and coffee, while the American latte replaces part of the milk with milk foam. Lattes come from an interesting historical fact. Different lattes are cooked and tasted in the same way, but each has its own flavor.

Italian latte

Latte, also known as Caff è Latte, is one of many Italian lattes. Because Latte means fresh milk in Italian, if you are in Italy, remember not to just tell the coffee shop clerk that you want a glass of Latte, or you will get suspicious eyes and a glass of fresh milk. In the English-speaking world, Latte is the abbreviation of Coffee Latte, which generally refers to coffee made from hot fresh milk.

Italian latte-Caff è Latte requires a small cup of Espresso (Italian coffee word) and a cup of milk (150ml-200ml). Lattes contain more milk than coffee, which is very different from Cappuccino (cappuccino). The latte is as simple as pouring nearly boiling milk into a freshly made espresso. In fact, there is no fixed rule on how much milk is added, and it can be freely mixed according to individual taste.

The history of lattes

Where does the latte come from? The famous phrase "I'm not in the cafe, I'm on my way to the cafe" was said by a musician in Vienna. The air of Vienna is always filled with the smell of music and Latte coffee. The first person to add milk to his coffee was Kochsky of Vienna.

This is the story of 1683. This year, the Turkish army attacked Vienna for the second time. The then Emperor Augustus I of Vienna had an offensive and defensive alliance with King Augustus II of Poland, and as soon as the Poles heard the news, reinforcements would arrive quickly. But the question is, who will break through the siege of the Turks to deliver letters to the Poles? Kochsky, a Viennese who had traveled in Turkey, volunteered to deceive the besieged Turkish army in fluent Turkish, crossed the Danube and moved to Poland.


Coffee beans

Although the Ottoman army was brave and skillful, it retreated hastily under the attack of the Polish and Viennese armies, leaving behind a large number of military supplies outside the city. among them are dozens of sacks of coffee beans-coffee beans that the Muslim world has controlled for centuries that have refused to flow out so easily into the hands of Viennese.


Magic drink

But the Viennese don't know what it is. Only Kochsky knows that this is a magical drink. So he asked for dozens of sacks of coffee beans as a reward for breaking through the siege, and used the trophies to open a cafe in Vienna, Blue bottle. At first, the business of the cafe was not good. The reason is that Europeans do not like to drink coffee grounds with coffee grounds as the Turks do. So the clever Kochsky changed the recipe, filtering out the coffee grounds and adding a lot of milk-this is the original version of the latte that is common in cafes today.

All kinds of lattes


American latte

If you add some frothy cold milk to the hot milk, it becomes an American latte. Starbucks American lattes are made in this way, with espresso at the bottom, milk heated to 60 to 65 ℃ in the middle, and cold milk foam of no more than half a centimeter.


Caramel macchiato

There is another kind of latte called caramel latte. It is made from food-grade sugars such as glucose, fructose, sucrose, inverted sugar, maltose syrup, corn syrup, molasses, starch hydrolysates, etc., heated (or pressurized) at a high temperature above 121℃, and further treated.

If you do not put hot milk, but directly decorate two tablespoons of milk foam on the Italian espresso, it becomes the macchiato coffee called Espresso Macchiato by the Italians.

Latte is the most familiar variety of Italian coffee. It is fancy coffee with equal proportion or even more milk added to the thick and full-bodied ESPRESSO. With the warm seasoning of milk, the originally sweet and bitter coffee becomes smooth, sweet and rich. Even people who are not used to drinking coffee can't compete with the taste of Fangmei latte.


Fancy latte

Up to now, the most popular latte is the fancy latte, which is very popular among young people nowadays.

Source: food and wine