Coffee review

Introduction to Coffee-exploring the color and aroma of coffee beans from the root

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, [cultivation of coffee trees] Coffee trees are evergreen shrubs of the Akanaceae family and belong to the Rubiaceae family in plant taxonomy. Since ancient times, most of the plants of the family Rubiaceae have special effects, such as quinine, which is regarded as a specific drug for malaria. and Dugan for the treatment of amoeba dysentery. Native to Abyssinia in East Africa, it is now mainly concentrated in the tropical zone or subtropics of America, Africa, and Asia.

[cultivation of coffee trees]

Coffee tree is an evergreen shrub of Akanaceae, which belongs to Rubiaceae in plant taxonomy. Since ancient times, most of the plants of Rubiaceae have special medicinal effects, such as

The quinine tree, which is regarded as a specific cure for malaria, and Dugan, which is used to treat amoeba dysentery. Originally from Abyssinia in East Africa, it is now mainly concentrated in the Americas, Africa and Asia.

A continent or island in a belt or subtropics, centered along the equator and growing in the  tropical zone at 23.5 degrees north and south latitude, also known as Coffee Zone or Coffee Belt

The coffee belt, which is rich in rich organic matter and pozzolanic soil, is an ideal place to grow. The cultivation of coffee trees needs special rings in addition to soil.

The environment, especially warm, is composed of temperatures between 15 and 25 degrees Celsius, average annual rainfall between 1500mm and 2000mm, moderate humidity, sufficient sunshine, etc.

In order to cultivate a strong coffee tree, so as to obtain a rich harvest. It is the most ideal to be planted in the mountain area at an altitude of 200-1500 meters, and the coffee planted at a higher altitude.

The better the quality of the coffee tree. However, mountains more than 1500 meters above sea level will fall with frost and snow, so they are not suitable for planting.

Coffee trees are usually sown for 2 to 3 years and can grow to 5 to 10 meters tall. In order to prevent coffee beans from losing their aroma, deteriorating taste and convenient harvesting, coffee trees are often pruned to 1.5 to 2 centimeters.

The foot is high. The change begins to bear fruit 3 to 5 years after sowing. The harvest period is in the 20 years after the fifth year. The tip of the evergreen leaf of the coffee tree is pointed, the surface is dark green, and the back is light green.

Color, the blooming flowers are pure white, will give off a jasmine-like fragrance, and wither after 2 to 3 days. There are 5 stamens and 1 pistil in the flower, and the petals are usually 5-6. Fruits and cherries

Similarly, it is dark green when it grows up, turns yellow after maturity, then turns red, and finally turns crimson, which can be picked by hand. The fruit of coffee consists of skin and fruit.

The flesh, endocarp and silver skin are formed, and the seeds are located in the central part of the fruit. There are two pairs of slender oval seeds in the fruit, one is round and the other is flat, which is called fruit

Beans, that is, coffee beans, raw coffee beans are turquoise and surrounded by thin silver skins. Raw beans are usually exported from the place of origin two months after harvest. Coffee beans are crops.

Freshness naturally affects its taste, and the price of new harvests is usually higher.

[original species of coffee beans]

At present, three coffee trees are mainly planted in the world, such as Arabica in the Isabia Plateau, Robusta in the lowlands of Congo in Africa and Liberica in Riperipin.

The original species can be subdivided into dozens of varieties. Coffee beans have their own characteristics due to different varieties, producing areas and brands.

1. Arabica: originally from Ethiopia, Africa, most coffee trees are successfully transplanted from Yemen to Java and adapted to Arabica.

Strong, oval-shaped bean  shape, more than plateau cutting, its aroma and quality of the best of the three, but due to different soil, climate, natural and man-made factors

It tastes different. And the best Arabica species contain twice as much caffeine as Robusta, and Arabica accounts for about 76 per cent of global soybean production.

2. Robusta: more than cultivated in tropical Africa. When trial planting began in the 19th century, canals were found to be resistant to pests and suitable for planting in low-lying areas, so they were planted in large quantities, but

Its quality and flavor is worse than that of Arabica, bitter, not sour, and generally fragrant, so it is more suitable for making mixed coffee, which is usually used to make frozen coffee, instant coffee and canned coffee.

It accounts for about 18% of the world's soybean production.

3. Liberica: originally from the west coast of Africa, it gradually spread to all parts of the East. It became very popular in a short period of time after transplanting Java, but for a period of time it was invaded by insect pests.

Eclipse, almost extinct. At present, a small amount of coffee beans are still planted in Libya, Ivory Coast, Angola, Indonesia and other countries. The quality of coffee beans is the worst of the three, and most of them are exported to Europe.

The continent accounts for about 6% of global bean production.

[ingredients of coffee beans]

1. Caffeine: moderate amount of caffeine stimulates the cerebral cortex, promotes sensation, judgment and memory, makes the heart function more active, blood vessels dilate and blood circulation increases.

Improve metabolic function. Caffeine can also reduce muscle fatigue and promote digestive juice secretion. In addition, because it promotes kidney function and helps the body to free excess sodium.

The son is excreted from the body, so under the action of diuresis, caffeine will be excreted in about 2 hours. And the bitterness in the coffee flavor is caused by caffeine.

two。 Tannic acid: after extraction, tannic acid will turn into a light yellow powder, which is easy to blend into water. Once boiled, it will decompose and produce pyrosylic acid. If it is soaked for too long, it will make coffee.

The taste of the coffee is getting worse.

3. Fat: fat plays a very important role in the flavor of coffee, and the most important of which are probably acidic fat and volatile fat. The so-called acid fat is fat

Oysters contain acid, which varies according to the type of coffee. Volatile fat is the main source of coffee aroma. It is a kind of aromatic substance that emits about 40 kinds of aroma.

Something extremely complex and subtle.

4. Protein: protein is the main source of calories, the proportion is not high. Most of the protein in coffee powder will not dissolve when brewing coffee, so it is ingested.

It's limited.

5. Sugar: the sugar content of raw coffee beans is about 8%. After baking, most of the sugar will be converted into caramel, making the coffee brown and combined with tannin.


6. Minerals: there are lime, iron, phosphorus, sodium carbonate and so on, but because the proportion is very small, affecting the quality of coffee and the flavor of coffee is not big.

7. Fiber: the fiber of raw beans will be carbonized after baking, and caramel will combine with each other to form the tone of coffee.

[the origin of coffee beans]

Central and South America is the best coffee producer, popular all over the world, and it is the easiest coffee to buy. Almost all mixed coffee recipes include Latin American coffee.

Beans. The producing countries of the region include Jamaica, Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador,

Bolivia, Peru, etc. Coffee is famous for its mild, bright and sour taste. In addition to high-altitude hard beans and low-altitude soft beans, there are elephant beans.

1. Angola is the fourth largest coffee producer in the world, mainly producing Arabica beans, and its production has been unstable in recent years due to political unrest.

two。 Cameroon mainly produces Robusta beans, some of which are of good quality, as well as elephant beans.

3. Dominica coffee beans are strong and full-bodied, mainly sold to the United States and Germany.

4. Ecuador mostly belongs to mixed beans, which have a woody taste.

5. Ethiopia is the ancestor of Arabica beans, beans with wine flavor, high acidity, strong taste, in recent years, the introduction of new bean harvesting methods, the yield gradually increased! Essel

Kaffa is the birthplace of coffee beans, and coffee beans are also produced today!

6. Haitian coffee beans are very popular in Europe because of their mild taste and moderate acidity, similar to Jamaican beans.

7. Java coffee has a mature, delicate and gentle taste, mainly producing Robusta and Liberica.

8. Hawaii KONA is the first choice for coffee, excellent quality, mild and smooth throat, the yield has been declining for several years, because farmers do not pick up, young people go to RESORT HOTEL to make

Workers, and some farmers switch to Macadamia, a Hawaiian nut with high profit.

9. Yemen MOKA is the earliest export port of coffee. Coffee beans are very hard and small and acidic, so they are suitable for drinking after meals.

10. Nicaraguan coffee beans are not excellent and are mainly used to make instant coffee.

11. Indian coffee beans are dark and fragrant and are mainly sold to Norway, France and Sweden.

twelve。 Coffee beans from Papua New Guinea are Kenyan species with excellent quality and strong flavor, which are mainly sold to Australia and the United States.

13. Puerto Rico coffee is mellow, sweet, is the first-class coffee, mainly sent to the Vatican for drinking.

14. The coffee of the genus Arabica from Rwanda has high acidity and pleasant flavor.

15. Superior coffee in Sumatra is also one of the best in the world, and Mantenin is one of the best, mainly growing Arabica beans.

16. Tanzania is also a good producer of coffee, and coffee trees are grown in foggy forests.

17. Venezuelan coffee is excellent, gentle and delicate, fragrant in acidity, and its MARACAS BLUE is the best.

18. Colombia's exports are second only to Brazil, and the coffee beans planted are stable in terms of variety, smell and price.

19. Most of the coffee beans produced in Mexico are exported to the United States, and their water-washed coffee beans are famous for their rich flavor and sour taste.

20. Most of the coffee beans produced in Guatemala are exported to Japan, which is the best choice for mixed beans, but they vary greatly in variety and quality.

21. El Salvador coffee beans are large and easy to import, mainly sold to Switzerland and Germany.

twenty-two。 Washed coffee beans in Honduras are well received, but they vary in size and are mostly exported to Asia and Japan.

23. Costa Rican coffee beans taste sour, comparable to SOUR CREAM. Located in the highlands of the Pacific coast, Costa Rica produces one of the best coffee in the world.

24. Cuban coffee beans are imported from France. They are big, bright and shiny, and Cubans are often proud of them.

25. Jamaica is most famous for Blue Mountain Coffee of course! Blue Mountain Coffee is very popular in Japan. Coffee beans are highly rated in the market. 90% of the coffee beans produced are sold in the past.


twenty-six。 Liaoguo coffee is becoming more and more popular in the world. Laos' special volcanic geology and climate have created an excellent flavor of coffee. The coffee has a strong flavor, with the earthy flavor of Manning.

I can hardly drink sour or bitter taste.

twenty-seven。 The variety of coffee beans produced in Kenya is Arabica, which is full-bodied and mellow with moderate acidity and is widely welcomed by the British market.

twenty-eight。 Brazil is the first coffee exporter in the world, but the quality varies due to the large planting area. They use their own unique criteria to evaluate coffee beans, the most famous being Shandu.

Shi Santos.

[selected coffee beans]

Coffee belongs to personal taste, which is called taste. I believe it is indisputable whether the taste is good or bad. I personally think, "the best coffee is your favorite coffee."

Coffee. " Like red wine, it is not necessarily expensive wine, the best vintage must be the best. Coffee produces no less taste than red wine! So it's not necessarily expensive.

Beans, if the production place is good, it must be the best!

Each kind of coffee bean produces a different sense of taste, it is difficult to describe which kind of coffee is suitable for whom, just as I like the smell of lavender, it is difficult for me to tell you what it is.

Taste, you must explore it yourself! So be sure to taste each kind of coffee yourself, so that you will know which kind of coffee suits you best!

Now the coffee beans that are generally available in shops are mixed with several kinds of coffee beans, that is, better quality beans and worse beans are sold together, coffee

Businessmen generally use the worst beans in Brazil for mixing, and instant coffee mostly uses these beans.

As mentioned above, the quality of coffee beans, due to the influence of soil, cutting culture, climate and other factors, even beans harvested from the same tree, due to the methods and places of picking beans.

The management process is different, so we have to rely on the judgment of the supplier! Generally speaking, the skill of maintaining the quality of coffee is very high, so there are many people

If you go to different places to drink coffee made from the same coffee beans, you will find that the taste is completely different because there is something wrong with the quality control skills!

In some coffee shops, in order to create their own signature coffee (House Coffee), the owner will use as many as seven or eight kinds of coffee beans to make their own coffee.

Special coffee, but most of it will be fragrant and strong! I have tried to match 10 gram Blue Mountain with 5 gram Ireland, and Paris 8 Zone with 10 gram.

5 gram Wantrin, a try addictive, can not extricate themselves, we have the opportunity to give it a try!

[storage of coffee beans]

Unbaked raw beans, the older the better, the storage place should not be wet and odorous, because coffee beans will absorb air! Once the coffee beans are roasted, they will slowly

Lose the fragrance, if it is ground into coffee powder, the fragrance will be lost more quickly! To keep coffee fresh, SD recommends only a small amount of coffee at a time and when you need it.

If you drink it yourself at home, you need to buy a small coffee grinder, most of which can be bought in large electrical stores, but each costs only about a hundred yuan.

Get up.

The coffee beans bought are usually packed in tin paper bags. When opening the packaging, the coffee beans should be stored in a vacuum bottle to insulate the beans from the air and avoid fragrance.

Americans prefer to store coffee beans in the refrigerator when they lose and inhale other smells.

[roasting of coffee beans]

When roasting coffee beans, there will be aroma and chemical changes, when you watch the coffee oil turn the beans brown, it is very interesting. Some coffee lovers will

Stir-fry coffee beans in a pot at home, but the skill control is very fastidious. If you are not careful, there may be a fire alarm (coffee oil will catch fire)! Coffee expert hint, everyone

Pay attention to the following points:

1. Be sure to turn on the exhaust fan or open the doors and windows.

two。 Prepare a fan to blow away the broken shells of coffee beans when they are expanded by heat.

3. First use a small fire, then end with a large fire, so that the coffee beans are heated evenly.

4. When stir-frying, you need to keep turning to make the coffee beans heat transfer evenly.

5. When stir-frying to a deep brown color, it represents the completion of the baking. if you are not sure, you can put the beans in your mouth and bite them. If they are crushed, they are finished.

6. Spread the fried coffee beans flat on the marble to dissipate heat as soon as possible and make the stomata shrink so that the aroma of the coffee can be preserved.

Some suppliers put a layer of sugar and egg on the coffee beans to make the beans look smooth. The French add sugar to the baking process; the Italians add butter.

The goal is also to make the coffee beans shiny.

Level of baking

Mild (LIGHT ROAST): for mild coffee beans, suitable for breakfast with milk.

Moderate (MEDIUM ROAST): used for strong-smelling coffee beans to make strong coffee.

FULL ROAST: coffee with a bitter taste.

Double degree (DOUBLE ROAST): used after a meal, drink with black coffee, no big aroma.

[the characteristics of coffee (four flavors and one fragrance)]

All the colors, aromas and tastes of coffee are roasted, resulting from chemical changes in coffee (raw beans) resulting in strong, bitter, sweet, sour and fragrant characteristics.


Mellow-strong coffee beans, mellow taste.

Bitterness-when baking beans, the soluble minerals in coffee beans are the basic taste of coffee beans.

Sour-the compound ingredient of tannin, the main flavor of coffee beans, but some 5 to 10 years old beans, even the sour taste will disappear.

Sweet-when baking raw beans to add sugar, after baking and coking, the caramel is sweet.

Aroma-the fat, protein and sugar in raw beans are important sources of aroma, and part of the aroma is due to the addition of spices when fried beans.

In addition to the above four flavors and one fragrance, aged coffee beans have a particularly mellow taste, and slightly fermented beans also have a particularly smooth throat feeling, really very special!

Source: Network