Coffee review

Which kind of milk is better to foam? Semi-automatic how to make delicate milk foam?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, There are many kinds of milk on the field, which makes people dazzling. What kind of milk is suitable for making coffee? First of all, we have to figure out how the milk foam is formed! Both cold and hot milk bubbles are small bubbles produced by the air in the milk fat package. Therefore, the stability and amount of milk fat affect the quality and persistence of milk bubbles, many times.

There are many kinds of milk on the market, and people are dazzled. What kind of milk is suitable for making milk foam and coffee?

First of all, we have to find out how milk bubbles are formed!

Whether cold or hot milk bubbles, milk fat in milk wrapped in the air produced by small bubbles, so, milk fat stability and quantity, affecting the quality and durability of milk bubbles, many times, we will find that a cup of coffee served, the surface of the milk bubbles one by one broken, and finally become a half cup of coffee!

This is because the milk fat content of milk is low or unstable. Generally speaking, we steamed milk foam using whole milk (milk fat content of 3. 5%--4%), but due to the stability of domestic milk and "reduced milk" and other drawbacks, so it is difficult to find stable milk. Coffee industry on the selection of milk, experienced from the bright-Pamarat-New Green Park-Nestle process, at present, some large chains consider the cost, will use the new green park, and some small coffee shops will use Nestle, even imported milk, after all, quality determines everything.


First, the steam head of the semi-automatic coffee machine; this first point is mainly written for the household semi-automatic coffee machine, the household semi-automatic coffee machine also has the function of making milk bubbles, but due to its steam head, the milk bubbles will play big bubbles, and it takes a lot of practice to use the household semi-automatic coffee machine to make milk bubbles that can pull flowers.

Second, whether there is a dry steam pipe before the milk bubble; semi-automatic coffee machine steam pipe after cooling, will become water residue in the pipe, so before each bubble milk, please discharge steam until no water from the pipe spray so far, with water steam bubble out of the milk will produce large bubbles, and issued a harsh sound.

Third, the technical requirements of milk foam, whether it is to put the steam head 1/2 into the milk, rather than all on the surface, will produce large bubbles; in the use of semi-automatic coffee machine foaming milk, if you do not insert the steam pipe head half into the milk, but directly on the surface of the milk foaming, will instantly produce a large number of large bubbles, resulting in milk foaming is not dense. For the foaming of milk, China Coffee Network wants to say that practice makes perfect, and more practice can send out dense milk bubbles.

The milk used in cafes is whole milk, but the quality of milk and milk will also be different, and the fat content will also be different, so the effect of different milk foaming will be different. Some whole milk of poor quality will not foam well. It is recommended to choose Nestle whole milk.


1. Put the flower-pulling jar containing milk bubbles vertically into collision with the countertop, which will make the large milk bubbles burst into small milk bubbles. After the large milk bubbles are burst, shake the flower-pulling jar horizontally and let the milk bubbles rotate and collide. It will also eliminate some large milk bubbles. The dense milk bubbles are as smooth and shiny as mirrors.

2. Use a spoon to scrape off a layer of large milk foam above the milk foam, leaving a dense milk foam below.

Source: Network