Coffee review

Coffee brewing method: the operation points of the French kettle and the differences of different styles of the French kettle in different countries.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, How to use the French kettle 1. Warm the filter kettle and coffee cup with hot water. 2. Pull out the filter group of the filter kettle. Pour out the water from the filter kettle and put 15 to 20 grams of coffee powder in the kettle. 3. Put the filter kettle at an oblique angle of 45 degrees, slowly flush the hot water of about 200ml and 95 degrees into it and let it stand for 34 minutes. 4. Mix the coffee powder with a bamboo stick to float the coffee oil on the top. 5. Condom

How to use the pressure kettle

1. Warm the filter press and coffee cup with hot water.

2. Pull out the filter group of the filter kettle. Pour out the water from the filter kettle and put 15 to 20 grams of coffee powder in the kettle.

3. Put the filter kettle at an oblique angle of 45 degrees, slowly flush into the hot water of about 200ml and 95 degrees, and rest for 4 minutes.

4. Mix the coffee powder with a bamboo stick to float the coffee oil on the top.

5. Put on the filter group, gently press down to the end, and then pour the coffee into a warm coffee cup.


Learn more about what brand is good for pressing pots.

1. Japan Elephant good (ZOICHI) pressure kettle

For example, the Haofa pressure pot is a top-quality coffee pot imported from Japan. This new French pressure kettle launched by Japan not only maintains the original quality of double-layer hollow steel, but also far exceeds the Italian plateau loading, (Japanese products are very delicate) ESPRESSO thick coffee foam "lady coffee" to enjoy.

2. Bolton, Denmark (Bodum) pressure kettle

The Danish bodum brand bodum pressure kettle has always had a good reputation in the industry, and it is also one of the French filter presses that people pay close attention to at present. The coffee made by bodum pressure pot obviously has the smoky taste of Antigua, and the texture is complete, and the sour taste and flavor of the wine are good.

3. Japanese Hario French pressure kettle

Japanese Harrio this French pressure kettle uses the perfect combination of stainless steel and environmentally friendly transparent glass, European and American-style humanized design, more noble and elegant. While you are immersed in drinking tea, you can enjoy a clear view of the brewing process.

4. Japanese Tiamo pressure kettle

Using a Japanese Tiamo pressure pot to make coffee is the easiest and least skillful way to brew coffee. It only needs a pressure pot to make coffee with both thick and light taste. If you use coffee powder with a heavy taste, or if you want to drink a little stronger, you can wait for 5 minutes to brew. If you use a coffee powder with a lighter taste, you can press the filter after 3 minutes, otherwise the taste of over-extraction will appear. This French filter pot coffee is suitable for leisure afternoon tea.

5. STAR BUCKS (Starbucks) pressure pot

The Starbucks pressure pot looks so simple that it can even be described as not looking good. But Starbucks pressure kettle has many advantages. That is, high price, low price, less consumables, easy to carry, light kettle body, etc., suitable for home or office.


Learn more about what kind of coffee is suitable for pressing pots.

If fancy coffee refers to coffee with other ingredients, then milk can also be added to individual coffee, which will be called fancy coffee. In this way, the French kettle can actually make fancy coffee.

Jamaica Coffee Industry Bureau recommends the use of pressure pots to make Blue Mountain Coffee, which is also suitable for making individual coffee.

However, it is personally recommended that French presses make individual coffee, and it is unlikely and not recommended if we use the coffee made from French presses to make kapos, lattes or mochas. The reason is that the coffee produced by the French pressure pot has a low concentration, and if other excipients are added to the coffee produced by the French pressure pot, it will dilute the taste of the coffee and lose the original flavor of the coffee.


Learn more > > the method of pressing the kettle to make milk foam

First, the electric milk stick. The most important feature of the electric milk bar is that it is cheap, easy to carry and easy to operate. Pour the milk into the cup and use an electric batter to dispense the milk. When using, need to pay attention to the problem is, if you need milk foaming, please use 70 degrees hot milk or 2-4 degrees refrigerated full-fat pure milk (catering special foamed milk is more effective) it is recommended to use Nestle full-fat pure milk or bright full-fat foamed milk. After all, this thing doesn't have a heating function.

Second, manual milking machine. It seems that this device is also common in cafes, especially when making iced lattes or iced cabs in summer, most cafes also use manual milking machines to make milk foam. If you are proficient in it, you can also send out milk bubbles that support pull flowers. The way to use it is to pour in 1 stroke 3 milk, then twitch the lever up and down, and then adjust the number of twitches when using the appliance according to the degree of milk foaming, which is simple and easy to use. There are also friends who use the pressure pot to make milk foam, and the principle is similar.

Third, the French press kettle to make milk foam

Pour 1 / 4 or 1/3 of the milk in, press the lid tightly to keep the air out, and then adjust the number of twitches you need to use the appliance according to the degree of milk foaming. Milk should be high in fat, such as Nestle and Baxi. It will affect the future use. The most important part of the pressure kettle is the filter screen, which is very close to the cup wall. If you twitch quickly and repeatedly, it will certainly cause the edge of the filter to deform.


Source: network