Coffee review

Illustration: how to grind coffee beans into coffee powder what kind of coffee grinding equipment to grind coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Core tip: the ideal time for coffee grinding is to grind it before cooking. Because ground coffee is easy to oxidize and lose its aroma, especially without proper storage, coffee powder is also easy to grind coffee, which is the best time to grind coffee before cooking. Because ground coffee tends to oxidize and lose its flavor, especially without proper storage.

Core tip: the ideal time for coffee grinding is to grind it before cooking. Because ground coffee is easy to oxidize and lose its flavor, especially without proper storage, coffee powder is also easy.

The ideal time for coffee grinding is to grind it before cooking. Because ground coffee is easy to oxidize and lose its flavor, especially without proper storage, coffee powder is also easy to change flavor, so it is naturally impossible to cook mellow coffee. Before the invention of the bean grinder, people used stone pestles and bowls to grind coffee beans. A doctor once experimented with this ancient tool and compared it with a modern bean grinder. It is said that the coffee powder made from pestles and stone bowls is the most mellow. Here's how to grind coffee beans by hand without a bean grinder.

1. Use mortar and pestle. The best way is to start with only a few beans at a time, otherwise the beans may fly out of the mortar. Wait for practice to make perfect and then increase the amount of ground coffee beans. Slowly grind the coffee beans into powder, which requires a lot of patience.


2. Hammer with a hammer. This method is the simplest.

Put the coffee beans in a good quality plastic bag or parchment, or wrap them in a towel. The size of the coffee beans that may be crushed in this way will be different, requiring you to hammer very carefully.


3. Grind with a rolling pin. Using a rolling pin is similar to using a hammer. Wrap it in a fresh bag or in parchment and thin towels, use enough force to crush the coffee beans and keep rolling back and forth until the coffee bean powder reaches the thickness you need. If you don't have a rolling pin, a strong food bottle or can can be used as a grinding tool.


4. Use an old hand meat grinder or grinder.


5. Use a blender. The blender is an incredible tool that can grind coffee beans into powder in a short time.


When grinding beans, the size of the powder depends on the way it is cooked. Generally speaking, the shorter the cooking time, the finer the ground powder; the longer the cooking time, the thicker the ground powder. Learn more: how to make the perfect coffee

The grinding degree of coffee beans can be divided into four stages: rough grinding, medium grinding, fine grinding and very fine grinding. The degree of grinding of coffee beans varies according to the container in which the coffee is installed, so please work with the container you use to grind the coffee beans.

Rough grinding: suitable for filter coffee pot. The so-called filter coffee maker is a traditional brewer in the United States.

(American filter coffee takes a long time to make, so the coffee powder is the thickest, like sand on a shell beach.)

Medium grinding: suitable for brewing methods such as follicle type, flannel filter type, siphon coffee pot and so on.

(it takes more than a minute to cook coffee in this way, and the coffee powder is ground of medium thickness.)

Fine grinding: suitable for coffee distilling machine (also known as water drop coffee maker).

Very fine grinding: suitable for ESPRESSO, that is, Italian espresso machine.

(it takes a short time for ESPRESSO machine to make coffee, so the coffee powder is the finest, and the coffee powder is as fine as flour.)

How to grind the coffee beans to the right thickness?

Different coffee utensils, how should we judge the thickness of coffee beans to grind? What effect does the degree of grinding have on the taste of coffee?

Different utensils, even different coffee beans in the same vessel, need to be ground to a specific thickness. For all kinds of coffee extraction methods, whether the grinding degree is appropriate or not can directly determine its success or failure. The grinding of coffee beans seems complicated, but in fact there are rules to follow.


No matter what kind of utensils are used to extract coffee, generally speaking, the shorter the extraction time is, the finer the powder needs to be ground, and the longer the extraction time is, the thicker the powder is. There are also special cases, such as Turkish coffee is ground very fine, but the extraction time is also very long. But except for those special instruments, other instruments generally follow this law. In addition, the grinding thickness of coffee beans will also affect the taste, under the premise of consistent objective conditions, generally speaking, the finer the grinding, the bitterness of the coffee will be more obvious, and it will also cover up other rich flavors of the coffee. The thicker the grinding, the heavier the sour taste, the more sour will make the coffee difficult to taste, so when you want to show a unique flavor of coffee, you can also achieve the effect through micro-survey grinding. However, this adjustment should be a moderate fine-tuning on the basis of the corresponding grinding degree of the instrument.

Ground coffee beans

The task of grinding roasted coffee beans into powder is called crushing, and the props for grinding coffee beans are called grinders. It is said that Beethoven counts sixty coffee beans into the grinder every morning, grinds and brews the coffee, grinds the coffee while enjoying its aroma, and then excitedly experiences the fun.

The ideal time to grind coffee is to grind it before cooking. Because ground coffee is easy to oxidize and lose its flavor, especially without proper storage, coffee powder is also easy to change flavor, so it is naturally impossible to cook mellow coffee. Some people are afraid of trouble or do not want to buy more bean grinders, so they usually buy ready-made coffee powder when they drink coffee at home. At this time, they should pay special attention to the problem of storage. Because the climate in Taiwan is humid, it is best not to place coffee powder at room temperature at will. A more appropriate way is to put it in a sealed jar and refrigerate it in the refrigerator, and do not put it in the same place with garlic, fish and shrimp and other heavy-flavored food. Because the coffee powder is easy to absorb, a careless coffee becomes a strange taste coffee, then even the best quality coffee will be spoiled. However, some people put the cooked coffee powder in the refrigerator as a deodorant, which is a good way to make the best use of things.

When grinding beans, the size of the powder depends on the way it is cooked. Generally speaking, the shorter the cooking time, the finer the ground powder; the longer the cooking time, the thicker the ground powder. In terms of actual cooking, the Espresso machine takes a very short time to make coffee, so the grinding is the finest, and the coffee powder is as fine as flour; it takes more than a minute to cook coffee in the "plug air" way, and the coffee powder is medium-sized grinding; American filter coffee takes a long time to make, so the coffee powder is the thickest, one by one like Beijing grains on a shell beach. Grinding coffee powder with the right thickness is very important for making a good cup of coffee, because the extraction of water-soluble substances in coffee powder has its ideal time, if the powder is very fine and cooked for a long time, resulting in excessive extraction, the coffee may be very bitter and lose its aroma. On the other hand, if the powder is coarse and cooked too fast, resulting in insufficient extraction, the coffee will be tasteless because it is too late to dissolve the water-soluble substance in the powder.

There are different brands and types of bean grinders for grinding coffee, and the ideal one is a grinder that can adjust the thickness of the beans. When grinding with a bean grinder, do not grind too much at one time, just enough powder for one time, because the longer the bean grinder is used at one time, the easier it is to get hot, which indirectly causes the coffee beans to be heated in the grinding process and causes the aroma to be released in advance, which will affect the aroma of the cooked coffee.

Coffee beans contain oil, so the bean grinder must be cleaned after grinding, otherwise the grease will be fouled and will smell stale after a long time, and even the most advanced beans will be ground into a strange-smelling powder. After each use of the bean grinder, be sure to wipe the blade table with the wet market and clean the plastic top cover with warm hot water. But for the American popular flavored coffee, the added flavor is strong and strong, and it will last for a long time. It is best to put two tablespoons of Bai Jing sugar in and beat it before cleaning. Of course, it is better for a grinder to grind only the same kind of beans, so there is no problem of mixing. [experience book]

According to the size of coffee beans, the grinding methods can be divided into rough grinding, medium grinding and fine grinding. Use the appropriate grinding method according to the coffee utensils.

There are also medium and fine grinding or finer and finer grinding than fine grinding (powdered coffee powder). The time to grind coffee beans is to brew coffee and only grind the required portion to be of high quality. After the coffee bean is ground into powder, its surface area increases and absorbs moisture, which is easy to oxidize. In short, with the passage of time, coffee powder also plays a role of deterioration to damage the flavor.

And after the ground coffee beans are placed, the carbon dioxide retained inside the coffee beans will be lost together with the aroma. In this way, when the coffee powder is extracted and filtered, the coffee powder should be expanded without expansion, and the coffee can not be brewed anyway. The secret is to consider grinding and homework consistently, so brewing coffee is the most delicious and mellow.

The secret of grinding coffee beans

The grinding tool for coffee beans is a bean grinder. Bean grinders can be divided into three types:

● family uses manual rotary bean grinder. It is suitable for leisure people with small demand, large particles and kill time.)

● household electric bean grinder. It can grind coffee powder of all kinds of particle size, and it can grind out 6 people at a time.)

● specializes in using electric bean grinder. (for commercial use, coffee powder of more than one pound or less can be ground at a time.)

The following two points should be paid most attention to when grinding coffee beans:

● reduces the heat of rubbing. (grinding heat will cause the aroma of coffee to dissipate early)

The size of ● particles is uniform. (uneven particle size will make it impossible to control the brewing time.)

So if you use a family-style manual bean grinder, you should rotate gently so that it does not produce friction heat as much as possible. To sum up, if you consider the quality, quantity, time and convenience of grinding beans, the use of electric bean grinders for home use will be the best choice.

Source: network