Coffee review

How sour is the coffee? Where does the sour taste of coffee come from? How to use caffeic acid

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In the eyes of coffee enthusiasts, this kind of acid mixed with bitter taste that many people do not like is precisely the charm of high-quality coffee. Acidity is even one of the criteria for coffee connoisseurs to judge whether coffee is good or bad. Most of the time, the acidity of coffee can not be caught by ordinary taste buds, so a lot of coffee will not make people feel very sour, it is just behind the bitter and mellow taste, with your taste.

In the eyes of coffee enthusiasts, this kind of acid mixed with bitter taste that many people do not like is precisely the charm of high-quality coffee. Acidity is even one of the criteria for coffee connoisseurs to judge whether coffee is good or bad. Most of the time, the acidity of coffee can not be caught by ordinary taste buds, so a lot of coffee does not make people feel very sour, it is just playing hide-and-seek with your taste buds behind the bitterness and mellow taste.

The acid in coffee is also relatively speaking. Sometimes when introduced to friends, it will be said that coffee in Africa is sour, balanced in America, and Manning in Asia is not sour. In fact, this is only divided by the relative amount of acid. If you want to drink the sour taste of coffee, it is necessary to combine the variety of beans, the degree of baking, the way of extraction, and the state of drinking to determine.

If several kinds of coffee are put together for cup testing, Yega Xuefei will obviously drink sour when they are roasted in a normal state. It is not that how sour Yega Xuefei coffee is, but it can feel sour compared with other kinds of coffee. This is a relative comparison. American coffee also has sour, but the flavor of American coffee is balanced, so the acid will not be too prominent, but when the temperature decreases, you can drink it. You will drink more acid than you can drink at high temperature when you just extracted it.

After all, coffee is bitter, sour is auxiliary, and any coffee will be sour when roasted shallowly, but it does not mean that it tastes good. The coffee that tastes good should be dry and fragrant and pleasant to smell. After brewing, the coffee liquid is clean and clear. The alcohol thickness is medium or high (depending on the type of coffee). It is obvious that there is still coffee taste in the mouth after drinking for a period of time. This is what I think is good coffee. If a kind of coffee can not smell any obvious aroma when it is opened, its thickness after brewing is the same as that of drinking water, and its astringent taste is obvious, then this kind of coffee is not a good coffee with high price and great fame.

Therefore, the most important premise of good coffee is fresh roasting. Only in this way can the aroma be preserved for a long time and intact.


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