Coffee review

Coffee shop culture coffee culture coffee shop culture how much do you know about coffee shop culture

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Cafe culture is one of the traditional western cultural history and culture. Coffee shop is a carrier of cultural heritage and an indispensable cell in a country or a city. The core function of the cafe culture is the socio-economic lubricant, which virtually shortens the distance between different classes. Different customs and cultures of different countries have created different cafe cultures. Before the coffee.

Cafe culture is one of the traditional western cultural history and culture. Coffee shop is a carrier of cultural heritage and an indispensable cell in a country or a city. The core function of the cafe culture is the socio-economic lubricant, which virtually shortens the distance between different classes. Different customs and cultures of different countries have created different cafe cultures.

A cup of water before serving coffee is a necessary procedure in a Viennese cafe. Today, people drink a cup of water before drinking coffee first in order to avoid dehydration when drinking coffee, so as to get a better taste. In the past, serving this glass of water had a special function, because as soon as the guest had finished drinking the water, the waiter would fill it up for him, and then the guest could tell the waiter if he needed anything else. Coffee in the early days of the Viennese Cafe, the Viennese cooked coffee strictly in the Arab way: strong, black, without sugar. Viennese coffee didn't really find a breakthrough until someone tried to sweeten it by adding milk and honey to it. Viennese obviously prefer sweeter coffee. These watered-down, processed coffee have been a great success. Now, you have to say what kind of coffee to order a cup of coffee in Vienna. Over time, the original coffee spawned a variety of new varieties and flavors.

Source: Baidu