Coffee review

What are the eight brands of instant coffee? Nestle Maxwell Columbia Grant Ming Coffee

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Nestl é invented the world's first instant coffee Nestle Coffee in 1938 and soon became popular all over the world. Today, an average of 4000 cups of Nestl é coffee are enjoyed worldwide, and Nestle Coffee has become the world's leading coffee brand. Nestl é began to sell Nestle coffee products in China in the 1980s, and soon became popular with consumers.


Nestl é invented the world's first instant coffee, Nestle Coffee, in 1938, and soon became popular all over the world. Today, an average of 4000 cups of Nestl é coffee are enjoyed worldwide, and Nestle Coffee has become the world's leading coffee brand. Nestl é began to sell Nestle coffee products in China in the 1980s and soon became popular with consumers. It soon became a leading brand in the Chinese market and won the favor of young, dynamic urban consumers.


Maxwell coffee is popular at home and abroad because of its excellent quality and outstanding brand, and is well received by consumers. Among them, the classic Maxwell 3-in-1 original instant coffee is carefully prepared by experts, which is a perfect match of Maxwell coffee, milk powder (plant fat powder) and sugar, so that you can enjoy a cup of Maxwell coffee at any time. Maxwell is the most popular coffee in Korea, and it is also a world-famous delicious coffee. It selects coffee beans from all over the world and bakes the best flavor of coffee with special manufacturing technology.


Chris Coffee, born in Germany in 1963, is the earliest vacuum bag system in the world to be developed into instant coffee, and has been well received in Europe, the Soviet Union and other countries. In 1963, the world's earliest vacuum packaging method was made into instant coffee, which was taken for granted in Germany and widely loved in European countries. The trademark used is even more popular in Russia and Eastern European countries after the collapse of the Berlin Wall. Chris instant coffee is characterized by a slightly fresh sweet, sour and mellow flavor.


UCC coffee is a world-famous brand coffee produced and sold by UCC Shangshima Coffee Co., Ltd., which uses coffee beans carefully cultivated and planted as raw materials. UCC coffee has a strong taste and a very high standard. It has its own coffee bean farms in the United States, Hawaii, Jamaica and India, supplying top quality coffee beans. All imported coffee beans have been professionally certified before entering production, meeting the needs of coffee quality pursuers and coffee lovers.


Colombian coffee is one of the few original coffee sold in the world under the name of the country, and it has won praise that no other coffee can match in terms of quality. The country is the world's largest exporter of Arabica coffee beans, while Robbins is rarely grown, and it is the world's largest exporter of washed coffee beans. Compared with other producing countries, Colombia is more concerned with developing products and promoting production. Colombian coffee is often described as having a silky taste. Of all the coffees, it has the best balance. It tastes soft, smooth and ready to drink.


GRANDOS COFFEE is a famous coffee brand in Germany, it launched a series of cappuccino coffee, fragrant and mellow, common in the market for its carry-on bag packaging. When drinking, you only need to inject boiled water, just like drinking cappuccino at a coffee station in Italy. Its coffee mostly uses Italian roasted coffee beans, fragrant and mellow, because it has been roasted carefully, so it is characterized by little stimulation to the taste and endless aftertaste.

Ming coffee

Ming Coffee series instant coffee is produced under the supervision of Singapore Weichi Food Group (former Singapore Jinwei Group). It uses raw beans of Brazil, Colombia, Xia Weiyi and other countries as raw materials, and is refined and mixed into instant powder through special process. divided into sugar and sugar-free two flavors, the taste is very good, making up for the gap in the market dominated by imported brands. Among them, the sugar-free ones are Brazilian Santos flavor and Colombian Medellin flavor, while the sugar-free ones are mainly Hawaiian Kona flavor, all of which are made of high-quality coffee beans with mellow taste and extraordinary quality.

Jie Rong

In 1932, Mr. Huang Qiao, the founder of Jie Rong Coffee, founded Jie Rong Coffee, which was founded by a word from each of the two famous companies in the coffee industry at that time, Jiechen and Rongyang. Now it has become the largest manufacturer of coffee and tea products in Hong Kong. In 2005, it was awarded the "Gerong Coffee Brand most potential Award" by the Hong Kong government, which played a bugle for opening up the mainland Chinese market. Jierong instant coffee mainly has two kinds: pure instant coffee and three-in-one instant coffee. Among them, the former is divided into Colombian instant coffee, Brazilian instant coffee and Indonesian instant coffee, while the latter is divided into Colombian three-in-one coffee, charcoal-fired three-in-one coffee and desert plus three-in-one coffee. In addition, Luzhou-flavor coffee, peppermint cocoa coffee, orange cocoa coffee and other flavors are also well received.