Coffee review

Coffee grounds unexpectedly have three unknown uses of coffee, delicious coffee residues, coffee grounds.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, After enjoying the delicious coffee, don't throw away the remaining residue, which is rich in antioxidants and alkaloids. Taiwan Chinese Health Network summarizes several wonderful uses of coffee grounds for everyone. Magic use 1: exfoliate. Coffee grounds is a good material for exfoliating. Rub it into the bath milk and massage the body to remove the aged cutin and make the skin smooth, compact, meticulous and shiny. Ingenious use 2: moisture absorption and removal

After enjoying the delicious coffee, don't throw away the remaining residue, which is rich in antioxidants and alkaloids. Taiwan's "Chinese Health Network" summarizes several wonderful uses of coffee grounds for everyone.

Tip 1: Exfoliate. Coffee grounds is a good material for exfoliating. Wash and massage your body with it in shower gel to remove aging horniness and make your skin smooth, firm, delicate and shiny.

Use 2: Moisture absorption and deodorization. Coffee grounds have many small pores that absorb moisture and remove odors. Put the dried coffee grounds in the cup into the refrigerator and microwave oven, which can remove the mixed smell emitted by a variety of foods; put it in the toilet to replace chemical fragrances; put it in the wardrobe, shoe cabinet, and car. It is best to replace it once in two or three days to avoid mildew after absorbing water.

Wonderful use 3: natural fertilizer, pesticide. Ohio State University research found that coffee grounds contain about 2% nitrogen, which can convert organic matter into fertilizer, which is a safe and environmentally friendly fertilizer. Huang Yu-ming, an associate professor in the Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences at Chung Hsing University in Taiwan, points out that coffee grounds, whether dry or wet, can provide nutrients for plants as long as they are spread out on the top layer of soil and allowed to decompose on their own. However, it is not recommended for growing large quantities of crops.

In addition, because coffee grounds contain alkaloids, they can be used as natural pesticides. First, coffee grounds are ground and dried, and then boiled again with water. After the boiled coffee water is cooled, it is placed in a spray bottle and sprayed on the place where there are insects on the plant. It has the effect of insect repellent. It can be sprayed once every two or three days.