Coffee review

The method of making dripping coffee how to make dripping coffee? Dripping coffee

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, In order to avoid fermentation and maintain flavor, the drip iced coffee must be refrigerated and kept at room temperature for no more than 8 hours. if you need to heat up and drink, you can directly heat it, but be careful not to let the coffee boil when heated. Should prepare utensils: drip pot suitable for coffee beans: deep roasted beans or Dutch iced coffee beans coffee powder dosage and grinding scale: grinding 2: 1.5 brewing method in 30g/: 1. In

In order to avoid fermentation and maintain flavor, the drip iced coffee must be refrigerated and kept at room temperature for no more than 8 hours. if you need to heat up and drink, you can directly heat it, but be careful not to let the coffee boil when heated.

Should prepare utensils: water drip kettle

Suitable for coffee beans: deep baked beans or Dutch iced coffee beans

Coffee powder consumption and grinding scale: grinding 2: 1.5 in 30g/

Brewing method:

1. Put the amount of coffee powder calculated according to the number of people into the drip and squeeze it gently, then pour in a small amount of water to soak it all.

two。 Put a drip on the beaker and fill the trough with a portion of water. (about three 300~350cc).

3. The lid is closed. It takes different time to make coffee depending on the condition of different utensils.

4. When drinking coffee, remove the lid, bucket trough and drip, pour it into the beaker and add fire, so as not to pour the boiling degree into the cup.