Coffee review

A brief introduction to the taste of coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Bugishu, Uganda, the East African graben connects Lake Victoria and the Elogon Mountains are famous and important boutique coffee bags in East Africa. The Shandong side of Elogon is one of the important coffee producing areas in Kenya, while the western side of Mount Elogon, the western highlands on the Ugandan side, also produces great coffee. This area is the geography and climate of Bugishu Uganda: Uganda is a

Uganda Bugishu

East African graben connecting Lake Victoria and Elogon Mountain is a famous and important boutique coffee bag in East Africa. The Shandong side of Elogon is one of the important coffee producing areas in Kenya, while the west side of Elogon Mountain, the western highland on the Ugandan side, also produces great coffee. This area is Bugishu.

The geographical conditions and climate of Uganda: Uganda is an inland locked country, not close to the sea, but it has a great Victoria Lake, the neighbor to the east is Kenya, the west is Zaire (Republic of the Congo) to the north, and to the south is Tanzania. Due to the high mountains in the country and the regulation of Lake Victoria, although Uganda spans both sides of the equator, the climate is quite mild, which is naturally suitable for growing good coffee.

Dry aroma: grassy, sweet fruit, obvious nutty flavor (similar to peanuts, almonds, pistachios)

Wet fragrance: sweet caramel, flowers and fruits, spices

Taste: cocoa-like bitter sweet taste, spice taste, acid is not bright belongs to soft type, fruit sweet, greasy thick, tea astringent feeling will stimulate saliva to produce spices sweet especially, caramel sweet obvious.

Hara, Ethiopia

Hara is Ethiopia's proudest sun-producing area (Yegashafi is the representative of water-washed mocha) is the country's earliest famous producing area in the consuming countries, located in the eastern part of the country, 5000,7,000 feet above sea level.

The coffee exported from Hara is a long strip, and the longberry (which is mostly sold domestically) is famous for its full grains, medium acidity, typical high-quality sun-tanned mocha flavor and a common aftertaste of red wine chocolate.

Dry aroma: ripe fruit acidity, oil aroma, pepper spice flavor is quite special, nut sweet, slightly almond aroma.

Wet fragrance: sweet caramel, oil, cool fragrance, sweet fruit, candy flavor, obvious spice flavor

Palate: the entrance fat is sticky, sour but weak, which belongs to the non-irritating dynamic weak acid, the fruit is sweet, the flavor of caramel and chocolate is obvious, and the fruit aroma is stagnant in the nasal cavity. Slightly cool, making the taste richer.

Ethiopia selected Yega Xuefei

Eshiopia YCFCU G2

Yejia Xuefei has long been famous in the international coffee industry and belongs to a typical courtyard planting model.

Country: yirgacheffe in Ethiopia

Marked: YCFCU level: G2

Dry aroma: citrus, flower, oil sweet, a little tea, spice sweetness, cool aroma, nose aroma stagnant for a long time.

Wet fragrance: citrus sour, honey sweet, floral with lime, cream, sweet spices.

Taste: the entrance is complex enough, but very clean, rich in a variety of taste changes, the acid is very delicate and changeable, but not too bright, the interaction between acid and sweet can taste blueberries, citrus, black Carrie candy, ripe Bordeaux red wine, and so on. Body is also very greasy, often covering the tongue or palate after dampness, and sweetness remains for a long time after falling to empty moisture. There will also be changes in the whole process of sweet and sour interaction, with all kinds of aromas in the nose quite obvious, such as flowers, oranges and even sweet candy, as well as similar aromas of awakened red wine.

Indonesia Gold Manning

Gold manning, produced in the north of Sumatra, Indonesia, is first popular in Japan because of its strong flavor and charming aroma. Taiwan is the second place to sell Mantenin. The United States is the third place after Taiwan to become fascinated by King Manning.

Gold manning is mainly produced in the high mountains around Lindong, using the old species of sumatra typical.

These old ripe cherry fruits are picked by a special farm for sun treatment. After harvesting on the same day, these farmers will use simple tools to remove the flesh manually, and then wash the coffee fruits that have been removed. At this time, these coffee fruits still have sheepskin. After washing, they simply drain the water, and the next day, they are sent to the processing plant in Medan for sun treatment. Sun treatment needs to reduce the water content of beans from 40% to 12.5%, and then carry out exquisite "two sieves and four selections".

Two sieves and four selections include two rounds of specific gravity zoning / wind selection / mesh screening to screen beans with higher density according to the proportion of beans; wind selection is to remove smaller beans and sundries. And through two times of mesh screening, the particle size is obtained. The high-grade raw beans are about 18 mesh and go through 4 rounds of hand selection. These processes are designed to strictly screen the highest grade of grade 1 gold manning coffee.

Variety: old sumatra typica

Grade: G 1

Treatment: half-sun

Dry aroma: the sweet aroma of green pepper is obvious, with a slight mint-like cool fragrance.

Wet fragrance: sweet caramel, refreshing herbal fragrance

Palate: the overall flavor is clean and body has a rich greasy feel. After returning to sweet taste, the bitter sweet taste of herbal aroma is obvious, and the sweet finish of caramel lasts for a long time. The unique flavor of Golden Manning will make you unforgettable.

Columbia Super Class

Altitude: 1850 m

Dry fragrance: grass root, sweet, sweet spices, oil, nuts

Wet fragrance: strong aroma of caramel, nutty, floral and spicy

Palate: caramel is sweet, greasy and sticky, berries turn sour to sweet, fruit sweet, aftertaste spices sweet, almond, white grapefruit bitter to sour and sweet, tea and spice feel obvious at room temperature.


Origin: Antigua

Treatment: washing, fermentation, natural sun exposure

Dry aroma: tea, sweet spices, obvious cool, flower, nutty, caramel sweet

Wet fragrance: crisp sweet and sour fragrance, green tea aroma, caramel sweet, nutty fragrance.

Palate: the entrance is sweet and sour, but not too bright and brisk.