Coffee review

Nestle Coffee Nestle Gold Coffee Nestle Gold Coffee and brewing method how to brew Nestle Gold Coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The most fascinating thing in the morning is the smell of a cup of coffee, which can lead me from my comfortable quilt to the kitchen. Usually will pay special attention to their own food and use, in the choice of coffee, but also repeatedly try and choose among several varieties

The most fascinating thing in the morning is the smell of a cup of coffee, which can lead me from my comfortable quilt to the kitchen. Usually will pay special attention to their own food and use, in the choice of coffee, but also repeatedly try and choose among several varieties. Xiao Zi uses things, in addition to taste good, the product naturally has to carry the art of life, Feast for the eyes is the first threshold for me to choose the product.

"Nestle Gold" coffee is a product that I was attracted to stop and look at when I was shopping in the supermarket. When I took a closer look, it turned out that it was imported from France. The smooth glass bottle with golden streamlined waist and coffee filled with irregular coarse particles is already a kind of artistic visual collision. Hold it in your hand and play with it, and you can't bear to put it down. Fantasize about putting it in your own kitchen, it should be a very nice little thing, so I took it.

The coffee cover cup matched with it is indeed very different from the ordinary coffee cup. It does not have a huge logo printed on the cup body. The cup body is round and comfortable to hold. Only after asking the question did I know that the cup was created by a well-known designer. The design of the cup handle is inspired by the smart aroma of coffee, outlines the aroma of coffee with free stretching lines, and forms a sharp contrast with the round cup body. The texture indentation of coffee beans scattered on the handle of the cup is the mark of coffee left to lips, teeth or soul.

In-depth Evaluation of "Nestle Gold" Coffee and its brewing method

Unscrew the golden lid and find that the inner seal of the sealed coffee is also cleverly designed, not the kind of inner seal that needs to be roughly opened with a knife, with a transparent pull piece on one side, and the inner seal is opened elegantly with a gentle pull with your hand. When I only gently opened a corner, the strong aroma of coffee could not wait to be released, I was surprised by the unexpected aroma. It turned out to be the extraction of cooked bean essence, which was dried by freeze-drying method. Using Nestle's unique DGI "alcohol" technology, the unique aroma and original flavor of coffee beans are completely sealed in the coffee particles, showing a superior and rich aroma.

In-depth Evaluation of "Nestle Gold" Coffee and its brewing method

Nestl é Gold Coffee uses high-quality Arabica coffee, and many high-quality coffee uses Arabica coffee beans, because this coffee bean is located in the 1600-meter high mountains of South America, the soil of the Brazilian plateau is rich, and the highlands around the Andes are rich in water. With an average of more than 2000 hours of sunshine a year, every Arabica coffee bean enjoys natural baptism in a unique environment. Nestl é gold medal selection of Arabica coffee beans, giving the product excellent quality.

Each coffee bean is picked by the grower when it is ripe and full. Each one has been carefully selected. It is in good shape, full of particles and contains mellow genes. After washing and screening, the impurities are removed, leaving only a purer coffee flavor. Then the French roasting process is used to balance the characteristics of Arabica coffee beans through medium roasting, giving French coffee a multi-level balanced taste. Usually, high-quality beans do not need excessive deep roasting, while for poor-quality coffee beans, deep roasting can cover up the shortcomings of the beans themselves, such as astringency. The deep-roasted coffee beans are dark in color and bitter in taste, while the coffee beans with shorter baking time are lighter and sour in taste.

Nestle Gold Coffee, in terms of flavor, because of the use of Nestle's unique DGI storage "alcohol" technology, it smells better after opening, and the alcohol thickness is good. Arabica coffee is used and moderately roasted, so the taste is sour, the bitterness is not prominent, and the entrance is not so hard and astringent. After flushing and blending, the liquid texture is thick and smooth, adding milk to drink together can neutralize the acidity and increase the silky taste.

This coffee, we need to pay attention to the brewing method, a little attention can be brewed with attractive coffee oil coffee.

Scald the cup with hot water in advance, then put 2g coffee powder into the cup.

After boiling the water, add 150ml hot water and adjust the water temperature at about 80-85 degrees, which can give full play to the flavor of coffee and release the aroma perfectly. Then add brown sugar and milk according to your personal preference to taste a richer taste.

I like to put a crystal candy bar in my coffee. When I drink it, the sugar will slowly melt with the heat of the coffee, and the flavor will change.