Coffee review

The latest coffee news Russia opens Putin Cafe toilet paper printing Obama

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, A cafe with President Putin as its theme has recently opened in the Russian city of Krasnoyarsk in Siberia. Pictures of the president can be seen everywhere on the walls of the lobby, with an image of the president riding a bear on the menu and the face of US President Barack Obama printed on toilet paper. The name of this cafe is President Coffee, which is made up of

A cafe with President Putin as its theme has recently opened in the Russian city of Krasnoyarsk in Siberia. Pictures of the president can be seen everywhere on the walls of the lobby, with an image of the president riding a bear on the menu and the face of US President Barack Obama printed on toilet paper.

The cafe, called Presidential Coffee, was founded by two Putin admirers, Dmitry Zhdanov and Svetlana Lautman, as well as other Russian elements, such as the image of soldiers and hockey players, and Gagarin, the first astronaut.

Zhidanov said the cafe allows Russians to temporarily put aside the current problems facing the country-the economic crisis, the war in Syria, the war in Ukraine, etc.-and recall the good days.

"I am a patriot, but I know that not everyone in this country is happy." "so we decided to create a place where people could eat comfortably at inexpensive prices, while recalling Russia's achievements in an era of joyful patriotism," he told Sibnovosti, a local news website.

The picture of the president on the wall shows the different stages of Putin's life. You can see what he looked like when he was young and how he grew into what he is today. Let's look at Mr. President from another perspective. "

At the entrance, there is a statue of Putin as tall as a real person. The Russian national anthem is played in the coffee shop at noon every day. There are also white, blue and red cocktails like the Russian tricolor flag.

If guests want to go to the bathroom, the waiter will take them to the door of the bathroom where "NATO Group" is written on the door, and the toilet paper is simply a picture of US President Barack Obama.

In addition to Obama's toilet paper, there are pictures of Obama, Cameron and Merkel on the bathroom wall for guests to doodle, and Merkel is painted with a Hitler moustache.

The Sibnovosti website contacted the Kremlin and asked them if Putin would visit the cafe, but there was no response.