Coffee review

Acid in Coffee-- John's Coffee "Acid" Brigade (1)

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The sour taste of coffee is probably the most controversial of the flavors contained in coffee. But today, I just want to talk about this "sour" in private coffee.

Sweet, only a "sweet" word, may make people full of beauty and yearning, "flower" and "fruit" also sound fascinating, even "bitter" is also bitter, some people love, but only this "sour" deters many coffee lovers and confuses many coffee drinkers. So there are a lot of articles about the calculation of coffee, and many coffee lovers are describing the acid in it.

I am not a coffee expert, not to mention a gourmet or any name that has anything to do with "home". I can only be regarded as a person who likes coffee, who likes to enjoy coffee. Some friends call me "caffeine". Since I am just an ordinary person, then the understanding of the "sour" of this coffee is not allowed to enter the wood, it is just tree bark.


For the "sour" of coffee, I have also experienced a stage from doubt to familiarity, from preference to necessity. When I first drank coffee (I did say drink here, not drink or taste), I was accompanied by Nestl é. I only remember the action at that time, similar to the way I drink espresso today, raising my hand, raising my head, and getting it done in one go. The difference with drinking espresso today is my expression and frown. At that time, all I asked for was sleepless, and the sour taste didn't seem to enter my taste system.

Marxist philosophy seems to have mentioned that "quantitative change will eventually lead to qualitative change". It seems that it is also applicable to coffee. After years of raising hands and looking up, the action gradually slows down, and the lock on the brow seems to be slowly opened by a key. Slowly coffee is not only bitter, slowly Nestl é seems to have been unable to open another lock, so all kinds of coffee powder entered my world, so there is dry fragrance. With burnt incense, wheat incense, pleasant bitterness, baking taste, and even drink "chocolate".

Suddenly one day, a cup of coffee did not drink up, put it cold, took a sip in hesitation, a taste different from all the previous taste poured into the mouth, strong and exciting acid, seized every corner of the mouth. It turned out that coffee had such a side, so "sharp" and "mean" made me hate, so I was wary of coffee, had doubts, and had another way to judge coffee. When I went to buy coffee at that time, I would say, "I don't want coffee that tastes sour."

Maybe this is an acquaintance of many friends on the way to drinking coffee, and they will say, like me, "I don't like sour coffee." Unexpectedly, we "misunderstood" the sour coffee.