Coffee review

Yara Peaberry washing treatment of African flavor Muxiui treatment plant in the western province of Rwanda

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Country: Rwanda production area: West province Lutesilo production area altitude: 1827 meters rainfall: 1500mm treatment method: washing, elevated scaffolding sun drying varieties: BM-139 (bourbon) seed treatment plant: Musuyi treatment plant landlord: 1756 members small farmers (about 253 plants per small farmer) flavor: red apple, cherry, cinnamon, honey [Mushonyi processing plant]

Country: Rwanda

Producing area: Lutexiluo producing area in the western province

Altitude: 1827 m

Rainfall: > 1500mm

Treatment: washing, sun drying of elevated scaffolding

Variety: BM-139 (bourbon) species

Processing plant: Mushuyi processing plant

Landowner: 1756 member small farmers (about 253 plants per small farmer)

Flavor: red apple, cherry, cinnamon, honey

[Mushonyi processing plant has an amazing award record. Apart from winning the COE Excellence Cup in 2010, it won the championship, 12th, 16th and 28th in four batches in 2011 alone! ]

Rwanda can be said to be a fast-growing boutique coffee producer in East Africa recently. Apart from the vivid memories of its sad story of the Luanda Holocaust, the quality of its boutique coffee has also improved very rapidly. This year, we have tested several fresh, very beautiful and elegant acids worthy of Rwanda.

Like many African countries, Rwandan coffee is mainly produced by small farmers, and the ripe cherry fruits are collected and sent to the processing station every year during the harvest period. During the annual harvest period, the ripe coffee berries picked by farmers are concentrated in the treatment station for treatment, first selected by hand to ensure that no immature or damaged fruit is mixed in. Then remove the pericarp, wash the pectin in the channel after 12-18 hours of washing and fermentation in a cool and low temperature environment. During the drying process of the scaffolding, the members of the treatment station will turn manually and take care of them carefully to ensure that the raw beans with shells will not lose moisture or dry unevenly in sufficient sunlight, until the moisture content stability of raw beans is reduced to less than 14%.