Coffee review

The Shumawa Manor in the western valley of Costa Rica is insolated to make coffee from Vera sa coffee beans.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Choose fresh coffee beans. When buying, pay attention to whether the color of the beans and the size of the particles are the same. Good coffee beans are shiny and have a strong aroma without being mixed with peculiar smell. No matter what kind of coffee beans, freshness is an important factor affecting the quality. When shopping, grab one or two coffee beans and chew them in your mouth with crisp sound (indicating that the coffee is not damp) and teeth and cheeks.

Choose fresh coffee beans. When buying, pay attention to whether the color of the beans and the size of the particles are the same. Good coffee beans are shiny and have a strong aroma without being mixed with peculiar smell. No matter what kind of coffee beans, freshness is an important factor affecting the quality. When shopping, grab one or two coffee beans in your mouth and chew them with a crisp sound (indicating that the coffee is not damp) and the fragrance of the teeth and cheeks is the top grade, but it is best to squeeze it with your hands to feel whether it is solid, rather than buying crispy coffee. If the coffee bean has lost its fragrance or smells stale, it means that the coffee bean is no longer fresh and is not suitable for purchase.

Freshly fried coffee beans are not suitable for immediate consumption and should be stored for a week to completely release the gas from the beans.

Generally speaking, the best drinking period for coffee is a week after stir-frying, when the coffee beans are the freshest and the Aroma taste is the best.

In addition, the purity of coffee beans is also another consideration. The expert candidate for coffee is not necessarily to look at the size of the particles, but to grab a handful of individual coffee beans (RegionalCoffee), about dozens of portions, to see whether the color of each single bean is the same, and whether the particles are similar in size and shape, so as to avoid buying shoddy products disguised as mixed beans. But if it is a synthetic bean (BlendedCoffee), it is a normal phenomenon that the size and color are different. In addition, heavy heat and medium-deep roasting will cause coffee beans to produce oil, but if the lightly roasted beans produce oil, they have gone bad, not only reducing aroma, but also astringent and sour taste. In short, when buying coffee, we should pay attention to its freshness, aroma and whether it is stale or not, and the ideal purchase quantity is to be able to drink it in half a month. The two coffee bean production methods should first remove the skin, pulp, racing peel and silver skin after harvesting the fruit and before shipping it on the market. There are two kinds of methods: drying (also known as natural or non-washing) and washing.

Country: Costa Rica

Grade: SHB very hard beans

Producing area: orange County in the western valley

Altitude: 1670-1790 m

Treatment: insolation

Variety: Vera Saatchi

Producer: Shumawa Manor

Flavor: honey apple, air-dried berry, yellow fruit notes

Costa Rica is located in the Central American isthmus, and is simultaneously regulated by Pacific and Atlantic currents and sea breezes. There are many towering volcanoes up to 2000 meters above sea level in Costa Rica. Coffee berries grow slowly in the fertile volcanic ash soil and cool environment at high altitude, giving birth to coffee beans with complete and rich flavor.

Costa Rica began growing coffee two hundred years ago, first on the slopes of the Poas and Barva volcanoes, today known as the Central Valley. After years of development, Costa Rica has eight main producing areas, namely: Guanacastes, WestValley, CentralValley, Turrialba, Orosi, TresRios, Tarrazu and Brunca.