Coffee review

What is the secret processing of coffee beans? Introduction of Honey Process Coffee by secret processing

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Honey treatment, called Honey Process or Miel Process, is called Honey Coffee. It is used in coffee gardens in Costa Rica (Costa Rica), Panama (Panama) and Taiwan. Honey treatment is a kind of treatment which is between the sun treatment and water washing. It keeps the coffee clean, although the brightness decreases, but

Honey processing, known as Honey Process or Miel Process, is used in coffee gardens in Costa Rica, Panama and Taiwan.

Honey treatment is an intermediate treatment between solarization and washing. It keeps the coffee clean, although the brightness drops, but adds sweetness and caramel flavor. Honey treated beans have a distinct sticky appearance. However, honey treatment is very dependent on the local climate, the weather must be dry and sufficient sunshine, otherwise it is not suitable for honey treatment.