Coffee review

Panamanian coffee bean origin Panamanian coffee bean

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, The Republic of Panama (The Republic of Panama;), referred to as Panama, is the southernmost country in Central America. The Panama Canal, which connects the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, is located in the center of the country, has an important strategic position, and sits on the world-famous shipping route, the Panama Canal. On December 31, 1999, the United States transferred all the land, buildings, infrastructure and institutions of the Panama Canal

The Republic of Panama (Panama) is the southernmost country in Central America. The Panama Canal, which connects the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, is located in the center of the country and has an important strategic position. It sits on the Panama Canal, a world-famous shipping artery. On December 31, 1999, the United States returned all land, buildings, infrastructure, and management of the Panama Canal to Panama. Because of its important geographical location, Panama's economy focuses on services, mainly finance, trade and tourism. Because Panama's establishment and trade have important relations with the United States, Panama began to use the US dollar as a currency in circulation since 1907. The national currency is Balboa, which is equivalent to the US dollar and used in its territory at the same time. It is the first country in the world to use the US dollar as legal tender outside the United States. Panama City, the capital. The Panama Canal runs through the central part of the country and is the dividing line between South and North America. The financial industry and entrepot trade are developed and occupy an important position in the economy.


In January 2004, the Panamanian Heroes Monument was unveiled to commemorate the students killed by U.S. military police 40 years ago for flying the Panamanian flag in the Yunhe District.

In January 2004, the Panamanian Heroes Monument was unveiled to commemorate the students killed by U.S. military police 40 years ago for flying the Panamanian flag in the Yunhe District. [2]Atlas

Panama was colonized by Spain in the early 16th century, and until 1821 it was one of the Spanish colonies in America.

Panama joined the Greater Republic of Colombia founded by Simon Bolivar in 1821. In 1830, the Confederation split and Panama became a province of Colombia.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the Frenchman Ferdinand de Lesseps began building a canal connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. President Theodore Roosevelt used diplomacy to try to take over the canal.

In November 1903, the United States instigated Pakistan to secede from Colombia and establish the Republic of Panama. On November 18, the United States and Pakistan signed the Panama Canal Treaty. The United States obtained the right to "permanently use, occupy and control the Panama Canal." Subsequently, it controlled the administration, justice, police, railways and finance of the Yunhe District, making the Yunhe District a veritable "country within a country." The treaty remained the subject of diplomatic wrangling between the two countries until 1977, when the United States agreed to return control of the canal to Panama in 1999.

General Omar Torrijos came to power in 1968 and was the de facto ruler of Panamanian politics until his death in an air crash. After Torrijos died, Manuel Noriega assumed power.

On September 7, 1977, the governments of the United States and Panama signed a new treaty on the Panama Canal. The new treaty stipulates that the United States will gradually return full sovereignty and jurisdiction over the Canal and Yunhe District to Panama by the end of 1999.

In the May 1989 presidential election, Guillermo Endara won the election, but Noriega declared the election invalid. In September of the same year, the United States imposed economic sanctions on Pakistan. In December 1989, a U.S. Marine was killed and the United States invaded Panama to protect the safety of American residents. On December 15, Noriega declared a state of war with the United States and became head of state.

On December 20, 27,000 U.S. troops launched a military operation against Panama to overthrow Noriega's regime and Ndara became president. Noriega escaped to the Vatican embassy and surrendered to the U.S. military on January 3, 1990. He was immediately transported to Florida, charged and imprisoned. About 2,000 people were killed in the U.S. invasion, including Panamanian soldiers and civilians.