Coffee review

Production conditions and soil Management of Coffee trees

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee trees-production conditions Coffee trees Coffee Tree Atlas 1. Planting conditions of coffee trees the ideal planting conditions for coffee trees are: the temperature climate is between 15 and 25 ℃, and the annual rainfall must reach 1500 to 2000 mm. At the same time, the rainfall time should be in line with the flowering cycle of coffee trees. Of course, in addition to the seasonal rainfall, there should be fertile soil.

Coffee trees-production conditions

Coffee tree

Coffee tree atlas

1. Planting conditions of coffee trees.

The ideal planting conditions for coffee trees are as follows: the temperature is between 1500mm and 25mm, and the annual rainfall must reach 1500mm to 2000mm, and the rainfall time should be in line with the flowering cycle of coffee trees. Of course, in addition to the seasonal rainfall, there should also be fertile soil and good drainage. Fertile soil containing volcanic ash, in addition, although sunlight is an indispensable element for the growth and fruit of coffee, too strong sunlight will inhibit the growth of coffee trees, so various producing areas usually cooperate with the planting of some shade trees. The ideal altitude is 500 to 2000 meters above sea level.

It can be seen that the conditions for the cultivation of high-quality coffee are quite strict: sunlight, rainfall, soil, air temperature, as well as the way coffee beans are harvested and the production process will affect the quality of coffee itself.

2. White flowers and red fruits

The first flowering period of the coffee tree is about three years old. the five-petal tube-shaped white flowers are filled with a faint scent of jasmine and the inflorescences are arranged in dense clusters. Flowers wither after two or three days of blooming and begin to bear fruit after a few months. The fruit is a drupe with a diameter of about 1.5cm. It turns green at first, then turns yellow gradually, and turns red when ripe. It is very similar to cherries, so it is called cherry coffee (Coffee Cherry). It can be harvested at this time.

Coffee fruit contains two seeds, namely coffee beans. The two beans are connected face to face with each other on one side of the plane. Each coffee bean has a thin outer film, which is called silver skin, and its outer layer is covered with a yellow outer skin, called endocarp. The whole coffee bean is wrapped in a sticky pulp to form the coffee pulp, which is soft and sweet, with the outer shell. [2]

Soil Management of Coffee trees and Coffee plantations

The higher the altitude of the coffee growing area (usually more than 1000 meters above sea level), the higher the value of the coffee beans produced. Coffee trees are extremely picky about the environment in which they grow. In order to obtain high-quality coffee beans, we must strictly control the composition of the soil, rainfall and irrigation, sunshine time and environmental temperature when planting coffee trees. With the increasing demand for coffee, artificial planting of coffee trees has become an important economic activity in coffee producing areas. The improvement of varieties and planting techniques also make the growth of coffee trees have a relatively wide range of adaptation to the environment. The following is to introduce the soil management and transformation of the coffee garden.

(1) weeding, covering the young coffee garden, weeds are easy to breed, especially in the rainy season, weeding should be done once a month. If the labor force is sufficient, clean the grass should be removed first. Adult coffee garden can be weeded once every 2 to 3 months. If you use herbicides, you should be careful not to spray on the branches and leaves of coffee, and it is more important and prudent to use them in young coffee gardens.

The root system of coffee is shallow and is easily affected by adverse climatic conditions such as high temperature and drought. Therefore, the mulching work in the coffee garden or rhizosphere should be done well. According to local experience, grass mulching in coffee plantations can increase production by 6080%; dead mulching can increase soil organic matter, promote soil microbial activity, reduce soil temperature and increase soil water content in high temperature and dry seasons. Covering materials can be adapted to local conditions, local materials, citronella residue, rice straw, deciduous leaves, weeds and so on can be used. The thickness of the cover should be 10cm to 15cm, and the width depends on the material. If the material is sufficient, it can be covered between the lines.

(2) Deep ploughing and soil improvement can improve soil physical and chemical properties, especially in lean soil, deep ploughing fertilization is more important. Under general soil conditions, after deep ploughing, the growth of lateral roots is 3-4 times higher than that of non-deep ploughing, and the growth of aboveground part is also deep, with a depth of 40 cm, a length of 60 cm and a width of 40 cm. It is best to press 20 kilograms of green manure into the bottom of the deep turning point, press it into two layers, and apply calcium superphosphate 4 taels on the green manure. At the top of the hole, compost or pig and cattle manure is applied to 20kg and 30jin, and finally the soil is covered.

(3) irrigating coffee planting areas in China can be divided into rainy season and dry season. Irrigation in the dry season, especially in the flowering period, can ensure the normal growth and flowering of coffee plants, improve the fertility rate, and achieve high yield.

(4) fertilization is one of the key measures for high yield of cultivated coffee. According to the data, for every 1 jin of dried beans harvested, coffee trees should absorb 35 grams of nitrogen (equivalent to 6 taels of ammonium sulfate), 7 grams of phosphorus (equivalent to 1.1 taels of calcium superphosphate) and 38 grams of potassium (equivalent to 2 taels of potassium chloride) from the soil. According to the study of the fragrant drink Institute, for every 5 kg fresh fruit produced by medium-grain coffee, it is necessary to use 200 grams of ammonium sulfate, 50 grams of calcium superphosphate and 120 grams of potassium sulfate every year. The amount of fertilizer needed is not much, but coffee trees have to grow a large number of branches and leaves, stems and roots every year, which consume a lot of nutrients. There are shade tree absorption and soil fixation, soil erosion and so on also need to consume some fertilizer. Therefore, the fertilization of coffee is very important.

① was fertilized in combination with plastic surgery within 1-2 days after planting. The fertilization of young coffee trees is mainly nitrogen fertilizer, while appropriate application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, in order to accelerate the formation of crown and promote the development of roots. Human and animal manure and green leaf retting fertilizer also have a good effect on the growth of young coffee trees.

Coffee seedlings can be fertilized for the first time two months after planting, and then once every 1-2 months. If human and animal feces and urine are applied, they should be retted and matured and diluted with water at the proportion of 1:3. 10 jin per plant, water and fertilizer are best applied in the dry season, ammonium sulfate can be added to retting fertilizer, and each load of retting fertilizer can be mixed with ammonium sulfate. Chemical fertilizers (nitrogen and potash fertilizer) can also be applied in a shallow trench 15 cm outside the canopy after rain, with 15-25 grams per plant. The principle of applying fertilizer frequently and thinly in young coffee should be grasped.