Coffee review

Special coffee what is special coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Nowadays, you can always hear the word "special coffee" in the coffee circle. In the past, almost every cup of coffee was called special coffee, but the wave of coffee represented by this word has not officially sprung up until today. According to the authoritative interpretation of the American Special Coffee Association (SCAA), special coffee (cooked beans) refers to those made of high quality, carefully roasted and professionally brewed, which can highlight the purest and most

Nowadays, you can always hear the word "special coffee" in the coffee circle. In the past, almost every cup of coffee was called special coffee, but the wave of coffee represented by this word has not officially sprung up until today. According to the authoritative interpretation of the American Special Coffee Association (SCAA), "special coffee" (cooked beans) refers to those coffee made of high quality, carefully roasted and professionally brewed, which can highlight the purest and most unique nature of the coffee. At the same time, "special coffee" (raw beans) also refers to those coffee raw beans that are flawless, distinctive and have a cup score of 80 or more rated by the American Special Coffee Association.

To meet the targets set by the American Special Coffee Association, specialty coffee roasters need to buy expensive raw coffee beans with a cup score of more than 80 points for roasting. At the same time, they must also pay attention to the method of baking, only when the heat is right, the roasted coffee can really be called "special coffee". But this is not over, bakers must also find the most accurate blending ratio, so that each kind of coffee beans do not lose their own unique flavor, while achieving the perfect balance of blending coffee. The test for a true coffee roaster is whether he can bake coffee of the same quality and taste every time without knowing the season of raw beans. Of course, coffee can not be called a real "special coffee" at this point. The next step for roasters is to make sure that their customers, the baristas in the coffee shop, receive the beans at the right time to make sure the coffee tastes right. The next step is to see how baristas extract the most essential flavors of coffee beans through skillful skills and rich experience. In order to do this, baristas must be professionally trained and equipped with the most professional equipment. Today, many coffee retailers only focus on whether coffee beans meet the criteria of "special coffee", while real special coffee manufacturers must ensure that the whole process of coffee beans from production to production is "special".

Some people may wonder whether boutique coffee roasters are specialty coffee roasters. Without careful consideration, there does not seem to be any difference between the two, because in the eyes of most people, fine goods mean excellence in craftsmanship. But in fact, those so-called boutique coffee roasters simply cannot achieve the same roasting quality. Most of them only sell individual coffee, because the quality of the coffee they sell is greatly affected by the season, and they cannot guarantee the unification and standardization of coffee quality and taste. What real coffee lovers pursue is not only the uniqueness of coffee taste, but also whether coffee taste can withstand the baptism of time and be consistent. In addition, boutique coffee roasters can only meet the needs of the public by providing personalized services. Most of them can't stand the changes of the coffee age, and many roasters have disappeared in the rapid development and change of the industry. In other words, they only sell coffee, not "special coffee".

Really ensure the quality of coffee in the whole process of "from planting to drinking". Whether the name of the baker is interspersed with "large", "small batch", "boutique" or "special", these are just meaningless names. The real specialty coffee emphasizes the standardization of quality and the uniqueness of taste to meet the different needs of different consumers. This is the real "special coffee"!

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