Coffee review

A coffee roaster should have the qualifications to understand coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, A coffee roaster should have the following conditions: First, the ability to identify coffee beans: the most basic thing is to distinguish from the appearance and characteristics of raw beans in various major producing areas, to understand the differences between old and new beans, to judge and screen defective beans, and even to know how to search the source of raw beans. Second, coffee roasting technical ability:

A coffee roaster should have the following qualifications:

I. Recognition ability of green coffee beans:

The most basic thing is to distinguish from the appearance and characteristics of raw beans in each major producing area, understand the differences between old and new beans, judge and screen defective beans, and even know how to search for the source of raw beans. These are all in order to obtain stable quality when purchasing raw beans.

Second, coffee roasting technical ability:

The education and training provided by the machine manufacturer should include the functional operation, troubleshooting and cleaning maintenance of the bean baking machine. And provide practical operation, such as in the same degree of baking, the main production area of raw beans caused by different characteristics of water content, hardness, and the need to pay attention to the baking curve and skills, as well as in the process of different baking degrees, throttle, temperature, fire control.

Third, coffee cup test and bean matching ability:

Through the basic cup test exercise, roasters can judge the quality of coffee and the quality of roasting completion. In terms of the ability to describe coffee flavor, they can also strengthen the explanation of sales to customers. In addition, when mixing the comprehensive beans to be used in the store, they can grasp the characteristics of a single coffee, balance and coordinate various proportions, and show the unique taste of their own roasting cafe.

Whether it is the third-wave boutique coffee giants in the United States or the century-old shops in Japan, there is one thing in common, that is, they will bake, package, retail, coffee drinks, desserts and so on fully displayed in front of consumers. It's not "posing", but really letting consumers experience what is really "From Seed To Cup". The gradual rise and development of home roasting in recent years also reflects people's higher and higher requirements for coffee quality. Only by accumulating experience in continuous practice and error correction, mutual improvement, so that home roasting coffee can become the mainstay of the market.