Coffee review

Hand flushing method volcanic flushing originated in Japan

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The method of volcanic flushing comes from Japan, which is more suitable for deep-roasted coffee beans. It uses the carbon dioxide in beans, and after many times of steaming, the coffee powder bulges like a volcanic eruption, so deep-baked beans are more suitable because they contain more carbon dioxide. Flannel and V60 are mostly used in volcanic flushing, because the middle powder layer is very thick, so it is mainly in the middle with 1.

Volcanic flushing

The method of volcanic flushing comes from Japan and is more suitable for deep-roasted coffee beans. It uses the carbon dioxide in beans, and after many times of steaming, the coffee powder bulges like a volcanic eruption, so deep-baked beans are more suitable because they contain more carbon dioxide. Flannel and V60 are mostly used in volcanic flushing, because the middle powder layer is very thick, so it is mainly filled with water in the middle about the size of an one-dollar coin. The key point of the first half of volcanic thrust is full extraction without destroying the powder layer. The second half is uniform water injection, in order to prevent excessive extraction in the middle, play a dilution role.

Advantages: coffee taste mellow, with mellow and strong body, sweet obvious.

Disadvantages: due to the volcanic impact of the first 1 stroke 3 is excessive extraction, and the latter 2 stroke 3 is insufficient extraction, resulting in uneven coffee liquid, after flushing, it is necessary to shake well, so that the two "failed" coffee liquid mixed together to form a perfect coffee. However, shaking well in the time, will make the temperature drop, if you want to directly maintain the temperature with high temperature extraction, it will lead to dry coffee.