Coffee review

Yunnan coffee leading hot crop characteristic agricultural industry

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, In recent years, Yunnan has actively promoted the adjustment of agricultural industrial structure and carefully cultivated coffee, tea, vegetables, pseudo-ginseng and other advantageous characteristic industries, among which coffee is an important characteristic industry in Yunnan.

In recent years, Yunnan has actively promoted the adjustment of agricultural industrial structure and carefully cultivated many advantageous and characteristic industries such as coffee, tea, vegetables and Panax notoginseng, among which coffee is an important characteristic industry in Yunnan. At present, the planting area of coffee in the province is 860000 mu, with an output of 57000 tons in 2011 and a foreign exchange earnings of 130 million US dollars from exports, which is more than six times higher than that in 2005. It is the third largest foreign exchange-earning agricultural product and pillar industry after vegetables and tobacco in Yunnan. The main methods are as follows: first, highlight the characteristics and seek development. Yunnan coffee industry has become the backbone industry of farmers in ethnic minority areas to increase their income. Of the 25 border counties in Yunnan, 23 have coffee cultivation, production and processing. The second is to cultivate brands to enter the market. By the end of 2011, the province's rough and refined coffee enterprises have a certain scale, with an initial processing capacity of more than 100000 tons and a deep processing capacity of more than 18000 tons. A number of influential brands are rising rapidly. The third is to strengthen the basic construction of bases. The transformation of medium-and low-yield coffee plantations will be included in the "Yunnan Province Middle-and low-yield Field Reconstruction Plan" to improve the comprehensive production capacity of coffee plantations. By 2020, the area of coffee in Yunnan will exceed 2 million mu. Fourth, standardization construction promotes promotion. Yunnan has successively established 42 demonstration parks for standardized production of hot crops and vigorously promoted standardized production. At the same time, we should revise and perfect the "Coffee Comprehensive Standard" to realize the whole process of coffee production from planting, processing to product technical standards.