Coffee review

Teach you how to appreciate coffee

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The most commonly used descriptions of the characteristics and flavor of coffee in different places are as follows:

Alcohol degree (body)

Refers to the thick, thick texture behind the entrance of the coffee.

Acidity (acidity)

Different from the sour taste of our daily fruits, this acid is used to describe the bright, fresh and refreshing taste of coffee. Some famous Arabica coffee beans are loved by coffee lovers because of their bright "sour" characteristics.

Bitter taste (bitter)

Bitterness is one of the most obvious features of coffee. The main factors that affect the bitterness are: variety (Robbas is more bitter than Arabica), origin (some coffee products are more bitter, such as Sumatra and Java, Indonesia, etc.); baking degree (deeper roasting is more bitter than shallow roasting); caffeine content (the higher the caffeine content, the more bitter it will be); the extraction time (the longer the extraction time, the more bitter).

Gandhi (sweet)

Sweet aftertaste is the characteristic of some good coffee. Generally speaking, no one likes "bitter", but the "sweet" and "sour" in the aftertaste are pursued by many people.

Fragrance (aroma)

Refers to the most obvious characteristics of coffee after brewing, including: caramel, fruit, flower, grass and so on.

Flavor (flavor)

Refers to the overall feeling of aroma, sweetness and mellowness.

Wine taste (winy)

Coffee from some producing areas has a wine-like taste, which is essentially a combination of sour taste and high mellowness, and the taste is excellent.