Coffee review

What kind of water is better for making coffee? the quality of coffee, the factor of making coffee.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, According to the study of SCAA American Fine Coffee Association, the standard of water is fresh, clean, colorless and odorless, and the numerical range is acceptable when the Ph value is 6.5-7.5 and TDs [1] is before 75-250mg/L, and the optimal water quality is when TDS is 150mg and LMagne Ph is 7. In addition, there are certain requirements for the content of calcium ion, alkaline ion and sodium ion in water. Today's fine coffee

According to the study of SCAA American Fine Coffee Association, the standard of water is fresh, clean, colorless and odorless, and the numerical range is acceptable when the Ph value is 6.5-7.5 and TDs [1] is before 75-250mg/L, and the optimal water quality is when TDS is 150mg and LMagne Ph is 7. In addition, there are certain requirements for the content of calcium ion, alkaline ion and sodium ion in water.

In order to ensure the quality of coffee products, boutique coffee shops are equipped with at least one set of water treatment equipment. Although we lack professional equipment when making coffee at home, we should not be hasty with water. Tap water has too many impurities, TDS value is too high, and contains chloride ions, which can easily lead to long extraction time, coffee miscellaneous flavor, although the taste is thick, but this is due to the excellent water quality, the flavor will still be insufficient. Pure water and distilled water are too clean, the TDs value is too low, and the contact time between water and coffee in the production process is short, which will result in high acidity and thin taste of coffee.

In order to find a kind of water suitable for making coffee at home, we tested a variety of mineral water and pure water on the market. After comparison, we found that the TDS and other comprehensive values of pure water are more suitable for making coffee. The coffee tastes clean and does not lose its flavor. If a water softener or water purifier is installed in a coffee shop or home, it is recommended to check the TDS value regularly to better ensure the quality of direct drinking water and coffee.

[1] solution: TDS total dissolved solids (Total dissolvedsolids, abbreviated TDS), also known as total soluble solids, is measured in mg/L, which indicates how many milligrams of dissolved solids are dissolved in 1 liter of water. The higher the TDS value, the more impurities in the water. Total dissolved solid refers to the total amount of all solutes in water, including both inorganic and organic matter. Generally available electrical conductivity value about the salt in the solution, in general, the higher the electrical conductivity, the higher the salinity, the higher the TDS.