Coffee review

What is the acid in coffee? coffee flavor PH is the important flavor of coffee beans.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Acid acid is a chemical substance characterized by its sour taste. Acid is called acid in English and means sour in Latin. Chemically, the PH value of acid aqueous solution is less than 7, and the smaller the value is, the greater the acidity is. Many foods contain acidic compounds. Common foods include lemon, vinegar, yogurt or coffee. Coffee alone contains hundreds of acidic compounds, and then we



Acid is a chemical substance characterized by its sour taste. "acid" is called "acid" in English, and it means "sour" in Latin. Chemically, the PH value of acid aqueous solution is less than 7, and the smaller the value is, the greater the acidity is. Many foods contain acidic compounds. Common foods include lemon, vinegar, yogurt or coffee. Coffee alone contains hundreds of acidic compounds. Next we will introduce several major acids that affect human taste.

Citric Acid

Citric acid

Citric acid is mainly found in citrus fruits and is a common acid in most vegetables and fruits. Citric acid is one of the most easily identified acidic compounds.

Malic Acid

Malic acid

Green apples and rhubarb contain a lot of malic acid. In the culinary world, malic acid is often associated with green lemon, and malic acid is also considered to be an "immature fruit flavor". Because the acidity of the fruit decreases slowly as it ripens, green fruits such as immature fruits or green grapes, kiwi and currants are all less acidic.

Tartaric Acid

Tartaric acid

Grapes usually contain more tartaric acid, tartrate is a natural substance in the wine-making process, and its main component is tartaric acid. Tartar can also be used as a loosening agent for food. The most prominent feature of tartaric acid is its obvious taste. It makes people drool with acid, and its aftertaste is bitter. Tartaric acid is also the main component of super sour candy.

Acetic Acid

Acetic acid

Acetic acid is very special. It not only tastes sour, but also smells acrid. The low concentration of acetic acid gives off a pleasant lime smell, while the high concentration of acetic acid tastes and smells of fermentation.

Flavour & PH levels

Flavor & PH value

By now you should have a general understanding of several different acids and their characteristics. But it is worth noting that just because coffee has the acidity of an orange does not mean it tastes like an orange, but that it is close to the sour taste of an orange. But how can you tell the different acids in coffee? If you want to tell the sour taste of coffee, you need to practice guessing frequently. You can also find an effective way to help yourself train.

Below is a chart of the PH value of common fruits, which combines the flavor of coffee with the PH value.

In these pH ranges, you will find that the PH values of some fruits are very similar, but taste completely different. We can use this picture to train our sense of taste.

We know that each kind of fruit contains different main acids, the main component of green apples is malic acid, and the main component of oranges is citric acid. Take a light roasted African coffee bean with bright flavor as an example, its PH value is 4.6 after extraction, so we can find the corresponding fruit flavor such as grape, peach, plum, pineapple and so on in the chart. Then you find the astringent taste of tartaric acid in your mouth, which you may think of as gluconic acid or other fruit acid. Then find the corresponding fruit flavor.

Similarly, the low pH value with lemon flavor can be determined as "citric acid", and the higher pH value with citric acid may be orange flavor. If the pH value is low, the malic acid flavor is more likely to be green lemon flavor; if the pH value is higher, the malic acid flavor is also more likely to be rhubarb, green apple, or grapefruit flavor.

Refining Your Palate

Refine taste

A very good way to test the practice cup is to taste a variety of flavors on a large scale. Because nothing can improve the acidic taste more than by tasting all kinds of sour things.

The method I have done before is to buy pure acid and then dilute it with distilled water into a solution of 1% Rich 2% to taste it. This is a good method for beginners. In this way, after clearly distinguishing the different taste of pure acid, you can taste some specific foods that contain these acids and see what kind of acid they mainly contain. The significance of the cup test is that once you have mastered this technique, it will not only help you understand the coffee itself, but also make the process of drinking coffee more interesting. When you can clearly distinguish between various acidic substances, you will also be able to distinguish the various acidic flavors in coffee.

Acid is one of the important flavors of coffee beans. I think this article can help us to distinguish the various acids in coffee. For other flavors of coffee, we can also find a suitable way to practice, no skills are inborn, are trained.