Coffee review

Direct fire roaster coffee roaster knowledge Yangjia roaster coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, The boiler surface of the direct fire baking machine has a perforated design. The holes have a certain size and spacing. The fire below will be directly transmitted to the furnace cabin. It requires a high level of skill on the part of the baker, and very careful adjustment of profit at each stage. Advantages: Short preheating time: Compared with hot air and semi-hot air baking machines, the furnace wall of the direct fire baking machine is thinner, so the boiler as a whole

Direct fire baking

The boiler surface of the direct-fire roaster has a perforated design, the hole has a certain size and spacing, and the fire under it will be transmitted directly to the furnace bin. It has high technical requirements for bakers, and should be very careful in profit adjustment at each stage.


Short preheating time: compared with hot air roaster and semi-hot air roaster, the furnace wall of direct-fired roaster is thinner, so the overall average preheating time of boiler is shorter.

The flavor of manor beans can be unique: the process of direct fire baking is transferred to raw beans directly through the stove, that is, the heat energy is gradually transferred from the external tissue of raw beans to the internal organization. So straight-fire baking is like boiling dumplings, carrying a few and water, the aim is to make the dumplings heated evenly inside and outside, otherwise the skin is cooked and the stuffing is not yet cooked. The same is true of direct fire baking, which can match the characteristics of raw beans, adjust the vitality and throttle, and choose whether to bake at low temperature or at high temperature according to the condition of raw beans. Low temperature baking is suitable for more raw beans, while high temperature baking is suitable for less input.

Suitable for single bean or single bean coffee: direct roasting can show the flavor and aroma of coffee, and the effect is better than hot air or semi-hot air baking.


The heat in the boiler is not easy to adjust: because the boiler as a whole has a hole design, when the fire provides the first vitality at the bottom, the heat energy will immediately be released from other holes, resulting in a lack of heat. But if the temperature is raised to replenish the heat, it will be scorched when the profit exceeds the amount of raw beans it can afford. Therefore, to carefully look at the amount of raw beans to adjust the heat, it will be a very good product. It is important to confirm the time of occurrence of the "yellow spot" and the time of the first burst.

It is not easy to bake evenly: because the heat energy does not stay in the boiler for a long time, direct baking is easy to be heated unevenly. In this case, instead of adjusting the firepower, you can adjust the throttle (Damper). When adjusting the throttle, you also need to see whether the weather is high or low at that time. Low-pressure weather has more openings in the throttle than high-pressure weather. Otherwise, the silver skin is not easy to discharge, resulting in more smoke. If the smoke is not discharged completely, the taste and aroma of the coffee will be Defeat, with a Smoky smoke smell.

Vulnerable to external influence: external environmental impact direct fire baking includes: indoor temperature, outdoor temperature, air circulation, weather conditions, ventilation and so on.