Coffee review

Ethiopian Coffee Cooperative Name and Introduction African Fine Coffee Aduoduo High Quality Cooperative

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Fine coffee is fresh coffee. Whether it's food or drink, the fresher the better, and so is specialty coffee. Coffee beans should be kept fresh before making fine coffee, including the preservation of roasted beans, and the coffee beans should be ground before making, which is also to retain its most original and best flavor. And hand brewed coffee making is such a way to make fine coffee

Boutique coffee is fresh coffee. Whether it's food or drink, of course, the fresh the better, and so is boutique coffee. High-quality coffee should keep the coffee beans fresh before making, including the preservation of baked beans, and grind the coffee beans into powder before making, which is also to retain its original and best flavor. The way of making hand-brewed coffee is such a way to make high-quality coffee, and it is also one of the coffee-making methods that can best retain the original flavor of coffee. Boutique coffee is good coffee and is harmless to health. Different from coffee made with low-quality coffee beans, high-quality coffee uses high-quality coffee beans and freshly made coffee, which is harmless to health, and drinking in moderation is beneficial to the body and mind.

Sigiga Cooperative (1600-2500 m)

Production area: Gedeo-Kochere Kochel

Number of members: 1862

Land attribute: red brown soil

Certificate: Fair Trade Fair Trade, UTZ Sustainable cultivation, Organic Organic Coffee

Finchewan Cooperative (1450-2000 m)

Production area: Gedeo-Wenago vena fruit

Number of members: 1271

Land attribute: red brown soil

Certificate: Fair Trade Fair Trade, Organic Organic Coffee

Konga Conga Cooperative (1750-2300 m)

Production area: Gedeo- Yega Xuefei

Number of members: 1556

Land attribute: red brown soil

Certificate: Fair Trade Fair Trade, Organic Organic Coffee

Hafursa Cooperative (1750-2300 m)

Production area: Gedeo- Yega Xuefei

Number of members: 1975

Land attribute: red brown soil

Annual output of raw coffee beans: 798000 kg

Average farm size: up to 4 hectares with an annual yield of about 600 kg per hectare

The cooperative has a washing station.

Certificate: Fair Trade Fair Trade, Organic Organic Coffee

Resa Cooperative (1000-1400 m)

Production area: Gedeo-Wenago vena fruit

Number of members: 2719

Land attribute: red brown soil

Two sets of coffee processing equipment are available.

Certificate: Fair Trade Fair Trade, Organic Organic Coffee

Addis Katema Cooperative (1000-1400 m)

Production area: Gedeo-Wenago vena fruit

Number of members: 891

The cooperative has a washing station.

Land attribute: red brown soil

Certificate: Fair Trade Fair Trade, Organic Organic Coffee

Biloya Biloya Cooperative (1600-2500 m)

Production area: Gedeo-Kochere Kochel

Number of members: 1203

Land attribute: red brown soil

Two sets of coffee processing equipment are available

Certificate: Fair Trade Fair Trade, Organic Organic Coffee

Worka Waka Cooperative (1650-2700 m)

Production area: Gedeb

Number of members: 305

Land attribute: red brown soil

Annual output of raw coffee beans: 457000 kg

Average farm size: maximum 4 hectares, annual yield of about 699 kg per hectare

The cooperative has all the processing equipment.

Certificate: Fair Trade Fair Trade, Organic Organic Coffee

Koke Cook Cooperative (1750-2300 m)

Production area: Gedeo- Yega Xuefei

Number of members: 828

Land attribute: red brown soil

A set of processing equipment can be provided

Certificate: Fair Trade Fair Trade, UTZ Sustainable cultivation, Organic Organic Coffee

Hama Cooperative (1600-2500 m)

Production area: Gedeo-Kochere Kochel

Number of members: 1505

Land attribute: red brown soil

A set of processing equipment can be provided

Certificate: Fair Trade Fair Trade, Organic Organic Coffee

Chichu Cooperative (1410-2000 m)

Production area: Gedeo-Dila

Number of members: 1675

Land attribute: red brown soil

Average farm size: up to 4 hectares, with an annual yield of about 591 kg per hectare

A set of processing equipment can be provided

Certificate: Fair Trade Fair Trade, Organic Organic Coffee

Michile Cooperative (1410-2000 m)

Production area: Gedeo-Dila

Number of members: 1206

Land attribute: red brown soil

Average farm size: annual yield per hectare is about 592 kg

A set of processing equipment can be provided

Certificate: Fair Trade Fair Trade, UTZ Sustainable cultivation, Organic Organic Coffee

Hase Haro Cooperative (1450-2000 m)

Production area: Gedeo-Wenago vena fruit

Number of members: 1519

Land attribute: red brown soil

Average farm size: up to 4 hectares, with an annual yield of about 591 kg per hectare

A set of processing equipment can be provided

Certificate: Fair Trade Fair Trade, Organic Organic Coffee

Dumerso Dumeso Cooperative (1750-2300 m)

Production area: Gedeo- Yega Xuefei

Number of members: 246

Land attribute: red brown soil

Two sets of processing equipment can be provided.

Certificate: Fair Trade Fair Trade, Organic Organic Coffee

Tumticha Cooperative (1410-2000 m)

Production area: Gedeo- Yega Xuefei

Number of members: 960

Land attribute: red brown soil

Two sets of processing equipment can be provided.

Certificate: Fair Trade Fair Trade, Organic Organic Coffee

Aramo Cooperative (1750-2300 m) (90 + Clinique producing area)

Production area: Gedeo- Yega Xuefei

Number of members: 2254

Land attribute: red brown soil

Two sets of processing equipment can be provided.

Certificate: Fair Trade Fair Trade, Organic Organic Coffee

Edido Ediot Cooperative (1750-2300 m)

Production area: Gedeo- Yega Xuefei

Number of members: 1044

Land attribute: red brown soil

A set of processing equipment can be provided

Certificate: Fair Trade Fair Trade, Organic Organic Coffee

Adame Cooperative (1000-1400 m)

Production area: Gedeo-Wenago vena fruit

Number of members: 533

Land attribute: red brown soil

A set of processing equipment can be provided

Certificate: Fair Trade Fair Trade, Organic Organic Coffee

Belekara Cooperative (1000-1400 m)

Production area: Gedeo-Wenago vena fruit

Number of members: 685

Land attribute: red brown soil

A set of processing equipment can be provided

Certificate: Fair Trade Fair Trade, Organic Organic Coffee

Adado Adado Cooperative (1200-1700 m)

Production area: Sidamo-Bule

Number of members: 1128

Land attribute: red brown soil

A set of processing equipment can be provided

Certificate: Fair Trade Fair Trade, Organic Organic Coffee

Haru Cooperative (1200-1700 m)

Production area: Gedeo- Yega Xuefei

Number of members: 1187

Land attribute: red brown soil

A set of processing equipment can be provided

Certificate: Fair Trade Fair Trade, Organic Organic Coffee