Coffee review

Coffee brings five major problems Coffee Perplexity of drinking Coffee relieving difficulties, hanging Coffee, Office Coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Boutique coffee is fresh coffee. Whether it's food or drink, of course, the fresh the better, and so is boutique coffee. High-quality coffee should keep the coffee beans fresh before making, including the preservation of baked beans, and grind the coffee beans into powder before making, which is also to retain its original and best flavor. And the way of making hand-made coffee is such a way to make high-quality coffee.

Boutique coffee is fresh coffee. Whether it's food or drink, of course, the fresh the better, and so is boutique coffee. High-quality coffee should keep the coffee beans fresh before making, including the preservation of baked beans, and grind the coffee beans into powder before making, which is also to retain its original and best flavor. The way of making hand-brewed coffee is such a way to make high-quality coffee, and it is also one of the coffee-making methods that can best retain the original flavor of coffee. Boutique coffee is good coffee and is harmless to health. Different from coffee made with low-quality coffee beans, high-quality coffee uses high-quality coffee beans and freshly made coffee, which is harmless to health, and drinking in moderation is beneficial to the body and mind.

1. The lure of caffeine

Our craving for coffee is weaker than sexual desire and stronger than alcohol. The average coffee lover is unlikely to experience the instant impact of coffee on the brain. Coffee can only make their minds clearer, that's all. In fact, if you don't drink coffee one day, you will find that all foods containing caffeine are delicious and attractive. Drinking coffee during conversation can make you more persuasive, because the aroma of coffee will make you more relaxed and approachable.

two。 Coffee and Women

The aroma of coffee can increase the chances that women will give their cell phone numbers to strangers. All foods that raise adrenaline levels can increase libido. If you want to ask your goddess out, invite her for coffee or take her on a roller coaster. In a stressful environment, coffee is more effective in reducing stress in women than in men. Coffee can also help women relieve depression. Note, however, that pregnant women are not allowed to drink coffee (by contrast, regular and quantitative consumption of alcoholic drinks is actually good for pregnant women).

3. Coffee + doughnut = Red Bull?

Coffee and cigarettes can make you smarter and give you lung cancer, so try the magic combination of coffee and doughnuts. Caffeine and glucose complement each other and work more together. This is why Red Bull drink is so effective. Also, scientists have shown that just seeing the packaging of Red Bull drinks can have a refreshing effect.

4. How to drink coffee to improve work efficiency?

Coffee is the best helper for writers. Why? Ask Balzac. But it's best not to drink coffee in creative work, because people are more likely to be inspired when they are tired. You can also have a drink, because people are absolutely sensitive when they are drunk (in this way, adding vodka to Red Bull will not only refresh you, but also boost your brainpower and help you think). To ensure productivity, take a nap after drinking coffee (caffeine usually takes 20-30 minutes to take effect). When you wake up, you are a good worker.

5. How much to drink?

How much coffee should I drink? Please follow the following 4 suggestions:

The number of times can be more, but the quantity must be less. It is appropriate to take 20-200 mg each time.

Coffee can improve efficiency, but it won't make you smarter, so please choose carefully according to different circumstances.

Choose the right time to drink coffee according to your hormone levels during the day.

Scientific abstinence, do not suddenly stop drinking coffee