Coffee review

Solution to Common problems in making ESPRESSO of Commercial semi-automatic Coffee Machine

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Commercial semi-automatic coffee machine to make ESPRESSO FAQ (1), (brew) time is too long (more than 25 seconds). The brewing speed is too slow. Reasons: 1, coffee powder is too fine 2, coffee powder is too much 3, water pump pressure is too small solution: 1, adjust coffee powder 2, adjust coffee powder dosage 3, adjust water pump pressure (2), (brew) time is too short (less than 15 seconds), brew too fast

Solution to Common problems in making ESPRESSO of Commercial semi-automatic Coffee Machine

(1), (brew) too long (more than 25 seconds). The brewing speed is too slow.

Reasons: 1. Coffee powder is too fine.

2. Too much coffee powder

3. The pressure of the pump is too small

Solution: 1. Adjust the coffee powder.

2. Adjust the amount of coffee powder

3. Adjust the pressure of the pump

(2), (brew) time is too short (less than 15 seconds), brewing too fast

Reasons: 1. Coffee powder is too coarse.

2. Too little coffee powder

3. The pump pressure is too high.

Solution: 1. Fine coffee powder

2. Ensure that the number of grams in the access specification is fixed.

3. Adjust the pressure of the pump

(3) with less Cream, it will disappear too quickly and the extraction time will be too long.

Reasons: 1. Coffee powder is too fine.

Solution: 1. Adjust the coffee powder.

(4) Cream is insufficient, but thicker and dissipates quickly.

Reason: 1. Coffee powder is not fresh.

Solution: 1. Get rid of the old powder and open a new packet of fresh bean flour.

(5) Deep color

Reasons: 1. The temperature of extraction water is too high.

Solution: 1. Lower boiler pressure and measure water temperature.

(6) Coffee has a heavy burning taste.

Reasons: 1. The temperature of extraction water is too high.

2. Coffee beans are overroasted.

3. The extraction time is too long

Solution: 1. Lower boiler pressure and water temperature.

2. Change beans

3. Reduce the extraction time