Coffee review

Introduction of Coffee from 53 Coffee producing areas in the World (2)

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, eleven. Mexico coffee from the world's fourth largest coffee producer, slippery and fragrant Mexico, the fourth largest coffee producer in the world, produces about 5 million bags of coffee a year. Most of its coffee is produced by nearly 100000 small farmers, and large estates that once manipulated the coffee industry are rare. The yield of Mexican coffee is about 630 kg per hectare. Later, the Mexican Coffee Association (Institu)

eleven. Mexico

Coffee from the world's fourth largest coffee producer, slippery and fragrant, Mexico, the fourth largest coffee producer in the world, produces about 5 million bags of coffee a year. Most of its coffee is produced by nearly 100000 small farmers, and large estates that once manipulated the coffee industry are rare. The yield of Mexican coffee is about 630 kg per hectare. Later, the Mexican Coffee Association (InstitutoMexicano delCaf é, or Inmecafe) took control of the coffee industry. The Coffee Association controls both coffee cultivation and the market for coffee beans that can be exported since November. The association provides farmers with minimum purchase prices, technical advice and other assistance. However, since 1991, the Coffee Association's activities have been reduced and its functions are likely to be further weakened.

The collapse of the coffee agreement (CoffeeAgreement) and the disappearance of price support have actually helped some producers by forcing them to develop their own brands and gain closer ties with foreign markets, while the NAFTA agreement between Canada, the United States and Mexico will further help Mexican products export to North America. Some people think that the best giant coffee beans are made in Mexico rather than Guatemala, but the supply and quality of coffee beans in both places can vary. The coffee beans, known as Maragogype, are large-grained and produce coffee that is smooth, mellow and fragrant. The poverty of farmers has caused most coffee to grow under natural conditions, that is, without the use of chemicals such as insecticides or fertilizers. The best coffee producer in Mexico is Chiapas in the south of the country, where coffee varieties including Tapanchula and Huixtla are grown. The Oaxaca region also produces high-quality coffee beans, of which the PlumaCoixtepec coffee beans, which are grown in natural conditions, are the best. The Oaxaca region also produces Altura Orisaba (Altura Orizaba) coffee and Altura Vatusco (AlturaHuatusco) coffee. The Altura Coata Paike (AlturaCoatapec) region produces Veracruz (Veracruz) coffee. The best giant coffee beans in Mexico are LiquidambarMS coffee beans.

twelve. Nicaragua

The excellent Nicaraguan coffee is among the highest in the world, it is mild and delicious, moderate granule, very fragrant. In many countries, coffee production has been seriously affected for political reasons. Nicaraguan coffee industry is no exception. The 1979 revolution forced coffee planters to flee to Miami. A period of indecision followed, when the government considered whether to redistribute land, including many plantations, which led to a shortage of coffee and a decline in production, from more than 1 million bags in the early 1970s to less than 600000 bags in 1990. Now the government has opened up the coffee industry and private owners have taken control of the market. The best Nicaraguan coffee is grown in the north and middle of the country, and the best coffee is produced in Jinotega and NuevoSegovia in Matagalpa. The finest Nicaraguan coffee is classified as Middle Estrich Tamant Altura (Central EstrictamendteAltura) coffee, which has moderate acidity, delicious aroma and is very lovable. Coffee beans of poor quality are widely used to mix coffee.

thirteen. Panama

The coffee grown in the highland is absolutely high quality, but the plantation coffee is not yet on the market.

Panama coffee is smooth, light and sour, and its high-quality coffee beans are pure and distinctive. The first batch of coffee exported each year is shipped in November, and almost all high-quality coffee beans are shipped to France and Finland.

The finest coffee is grown in the north of the country, near Costa Rica and the Pacific Ocean. The Boquet district of Chiriqui province is famous for its coffee, while other regions include David, Remacimeinto, Bugaba and Tole.

Bolkambaru coffee (Caf é VolcanBaru), which is recognized by critics, has a good momentum. The coffee is of excellent quality. In 1994, the output reached 2000 bags, accounting for 1% of the total output of the country.

fourteen. Puerto Rico

Yaocote's choice of coffee is the best in the world.

In 1736, coffee trees were introduced from Martinique to PuertpRico. Most of the early coffee was grown by immigrants from Corsica. By 1896, Puerto Rico was the sixth largest exporter of coffee in the world, with most coffee shipped to France, Italy, Spain and Cuba. Coffee farms flourished in the 19th century, but the rise of sugarcane and drug farming as well as the impact of hurricanes and wars made the coffee industry lag behind and is now recovering.

Puerto Rico has a low-wage system, with a per capita hourly wage of $4.20 in 1991. Still, manual workers earn more than workers in many other coffee-producing countries, as long as Hawaii and Jamaica are on a par. Another problem facing the Puerto Rican coffee industry is that Puerto Ricans have better employment prospects because of their relatively high cultural quality in the Caribbean. Yaocote's choice of coffee, which is grown only on three farms in the southwest of the island, is fragrant and has a long aftertaste. This kind of coffee is very expensive and its flavor is comparable to that of any other coffee variety in the world. In the Yauco area, the coffee is owned and operated by local planters. The mountain climate here is mild, the plants have a long mature period (from October to February), and the soil is of high quality clay. Some old varieties of Arabica coffee beans are grown here, although the yield is lower than other varieties, but generally of high quality. People here have been using an ecological and intensive planting method, using only some low-toxic fertilizers and chemicals, and taking mixed crop planting measures to make the soil more fertile. When it comes time to pick coffee beans, people walk back and forth between coffee trees, picking only fully ripe coffee beans, and then wash them in a roller device for 48 hours.

Today, Puerto Rican gourmet coffee has been exported to the United States, France and Japan. Coffee in this country is generally carefully cultivated, with pure taste, aroma and heavy granules, among which the best is among the world's famous brands. The best coffee is YaucoSelecto, which means "Selecto". Grand LaresYauco is produced in the southwest of the island, while Lars coffee is produced in the south-central part of the island.

Yaocote's choice of coffee, which is grown only on three farms in the southwest of the island, is fragrant and has a long aftertaste. This kind of coffee is very expensive and its flavor is comparable to that of any other coffee variety in the world. In the Yauco area, the coffee is owned and operated by local planters. The mountain climate here is mild, the plants have a long mature period (from October to February), and the soil is of high quality clay. Some old varieties of Arabica coffee beans are grown here, although the yield is lower than other varieties, but generally of high quality. People here have been using an ecological and intensive planting method, using only some low-toxic fertilizers and chemicals, and taking mixed crop planting measures to make the soil more fertile. When it comes time to pick coffee beans, people walk back and forth between coffee trees, picking only fully ripe coffee beans, and then wash them in a roller device for 48 hours.

Yaocote chooses coffee beans to be kept in shells before they are shipped and the skins are not removed until the order is shipped to ensure the best freshness of the coffee. Relevant U.S. government staff, such as FDA and USEA, will also be present when the goods are submitted, and they work to monitor producers' compliance with federal regulations. There are also staff from the local evaluation board, who take 1 bag out of every 50 bags as samples and use international gauges to evaluate their quality.

Escoquito? Jaime EscogidoYauco, president of the agency, pays silent attention to all this work, even the smallest details, every year. Fortuno is an investment banker who graduated from Harvard Business School. He was determined to seize every opportunity to open up a top coffee market in Puerto Rico. He expects a maximum annual output of 3000 bags of 45kg each, less than 1 per cent of the island's total coffee production.

Yaocote selected is a fascinating coffee, it has a complete flavor, no bitterness, rich nutrition, rich fruit, and is worth tasting. Even Thales in Harrogate, UK, has imported 50 bags of Yaoke specialty coffee.

fifteen. Bolivia

In the past, coffee trees in Bolivia used to act as hedges and ornaments around the garden. Real commercial production began in the early 1950s. The coffee industry in Brazil was badly damaged by the great frost in 1957, while Bolivia (Bolivia) benefited and developed rapidly. Bolivian coffee is grown at an altitude of 180,670 meters above sea level, and the Arabic washed coffee beans are exported to Germany and Sweden, which are not the best today and have a bitter taste.

sixteen. Brazil

Brazil is vividly compared to the "giant" and "monarch" of the coffee world. There are about 3.97 billion coffee trees there, and small farmers now grow 75% of the country's coffee. The number of coffee producers in Brazil is twice or even three times that of Colombia, the second largest coffee producer in the world.

Unlike in the past, Brazil's economy is now less dependent on coffee, which accounts for only 8% to 10% of GDP. Before World War II, Brazil accounted for 50% or more of the world's coffee production, and now it is close to 30%. But the country's impact on the world's coffee, especially on coffee prices, is significant. For example, two frost disasters in 1994 caused a sharp rise in global coffee prices. Since the introduction of coffee trees from French Guiana (Guyana) in 1720, coffee production has gradually become a science. Before 1990, the Brazilian government carried out strict monitoring of the coffee industry, with both strict intervention and price protection measures, and the state has been implementing minimum price protection measures for farmers, resulting in coffee overproduction. Before World War II, the remaining stock reached 78 million bags, which had to be burned by fire or thrown into the water to destroy. Since the opening of the free market in 1990, the original Brazilian Coffee Authority (IBC) has been replaced by the National Economic Association, the country's non-investment administrative body, which pursues a policy of non-intervention and allows producers to negotiate directly with exporters. The business activities of exporters are supervised by the government legislation, and the relevant departments register legitimate exporters.

As there are so many kinds of Brazilian coffee in Brazil, you can't just use the word "Brazilian coffee" to include it. Like other Arabica coffee, Brazilian coffee is called "Brazils" to distinguish it from "Milds" coffee. The vast majority of Brazilian coffee is unwashed and sun-dried and is classified according to the name of the state of origin and port of transport. Brazil has 21 states and 17 states produce coffee, but four of them produce the largest, accounting for 98 per cent of national production: Parana, SaoPaulo, Minas Gerais and EspiritoSanto, with the southern state producing the most, accounting for 50 per cent of total production.

Although coffee is diverse, Brazilian coffee is suitable for the taste of the public. For example, coffee produced in the northern coastal areas has a typical iodine taste, reminiscent of the sea after drinking. This coffee is exported to North America, the Middle East and Eastern Europe.

Another kind of coffee that is interesting and worth looking for is washed Bahia coffee. This kind of coffee is not easy to find because Brazil is the world's largest consumer of coffee after the United States, and many of the best coffee can only be found in its domestic market.

In Brazil, the largest producer is Robbins. This kind of coffee is sold in the supermarket. Brazil's Robucht coffee, sold under the name Conillon, accounts for 15 per cent of total production.

Old bourbon coffee is grown on some estates in the Serrado district of MinasGreais state in southeastern Brazil. Old varieties of bourbon coffee grown on these estates, such as Capin Branco and VistaAllegre, are also sold on the market. Although they come from the same area, these coffees have their own characteristics. Cappinblanco coffee is smoother than Vesta Allegre coffee, while Vesta Allegre coffee is strong and black, both of which have lower acidity. However, like all Brazilian coffee, they are most suitable for drinking when they are fresh and tender, because the older they are, the more acidic they are. These coffee growers have organized themselves into the Brazilian Special Coffee Association (theSpeciality Coffee Association ofBrazil).

seventeen. Ecuador

Probably the highest Arabica coffee grower in the world.

The Arabian Coffee Tree was first introduced to Ecuador (Ecuador) in 1952 and its coffee is of good quality, especially the coffee harvested in early June. Ecuadorian coffee beans can be divided into two varieties: Galapagos and Gigante, both of which have the characteristics of large granules and heavy weight. Ecuadorian coffee can be divided into first class according to quality (No. 1) and ExtraSuperior. They are mainly exported to the Nordic countries of Scandinavia.

The main problem facing coffee producers is their efforts to maintain stable quality. The coffee here is generally well-balanced and refreshing, with a unique aroma.

Ecuador is one of the few countries in South America that produces both Arabica coffee and Robbins coffee. However, as the land suitable for Arabica coffee trees is decreasing, the production of Robbins coffee is gradually increasing. The best Arabica coffee comes from the Andes, especially the Chanchagu Valley (ChanchamgoValley), which is divided into two mountains, extending from south to north to central Ecuador.

eighteen. Colombia

The largest producer of quality coffee in the world!

Traditional deep-roasted coffee has a strong and memorable taste.

Coffee was first introduced to Colombia in 1808 when it was brought by a priest from the French Antilles via Venezuela. Today, the country is the second largest producer after Brazil, with an annual output of 13 million bags of 60 kg each, while Brazil produces 22 million bags. The status of coffee in Colombia is illustrated by the fact that all vehicles entering the country must be sprayed and sterilized so as not to inadvertently cause disease and damage coffee trees.

Colombian coffee is one of the few original coffee sold in the world under the name of the country. In terms of quality, it has won praise unmatched by other coffee. The country is the world's largest exporter of Arabica coffee beans, while Robbins coffee is rarely grown. It is also the world's largest exporter of washed coffee beans (Washedbeans). Compared with other producing countries, Colombia is more concerned with developing products and promoting production. It is this, coupled with its superior geographical and climatic conditions, that makes Colombian coffee excellent in quality and delicious and famous all over the world.

The country's coffee-producing areas are located in the foothills of the Andes, where the climate is mild and the air is humid. Colombia has three Cordilleras mountains (sub-mountain system) running north and south, right into the Andes. Coffee is grown along the highlands of these mountains. The mountain steps provide a diverse climate, which means that the whole year is the harvest season, with different kinds of coffee ripening at different times. And fortunately, unlike Brazil, Colombia doesn't have to worry about frost. There are about 2.7 billion coffee trees in Colombia, 66% of which

It is planted in the plantation in a modern way, and the rest is planted in small, traditionally operated farms.

In the early 1960s, coffee production was about 600kg per hectare. Now it has risen to about 900kg, and some farms can reach 2500 kg. However, quality assurance is a top priority for the coffee industry. Colombia established the National Coffee Management Association (FederacionNacional deCafeteros, or FNC) in 1927, which is responsible for quality supervision. Although the association is a private company, it acts on behalf of the government. In addition to organizing the industry, the association is also responsible for raising funds in a bumper harvest year. Coffee prices have tended to fall over the past few years, and the association has almost exhausted its reserves. The National Coffee Management Association is also responsible for health care, education, road construction, hiring planting technicians, conducting investigations, monitoring product quality, directly handling 50 per cent of total exports, and employing marketing personnel. Like Kenya's National Coffee Management Association, it is a model of coffee organization.

Colombian coffee farmers can sell all their products to the Coffee Management Association at an official low price, or to exporters, who may offer a higher price or no bid at all. In fact, the Coffee Management Association (FNC) controls exports to Europe, while coffee to the United States is mainly exported through private exporters. However, all exports are subject to the lowest export price.

Colombia is fortunate to have Atlantic and Pacific ports, which helps to reduce the cost of transporting coffee, which is the only country in South America. The main production areas of Colombia are in the central and eastern mountains. The most important plantations along the central mountains are located in Medellin, Armenia and Manizales, where coffee is of the best quality and high price, characterized by full grains, rich nutrients, rich aromas and moderate acidity. These three regions are referred to as MAM (the initials of the major cities of the three regions). Most of Colombia's top coffee for export comes from MAM. Along the eastern mountains, the two best areas are around Bogot á and north around Bucaramanga. Bogota coffee is less acidic than Medellin coffee, but the two are of the same quality.

German imports account for 25 per cent of Colombia's total exports, reflecting the country's excellent quality. Coffee grades are divided into Supremo, Excelso and UGQ,Unusual GoodQuality. Klauss coffee in the excellent grade is exported to Germany and Europa coffee is exported to Nordic countries. Excellent grade coffee and top coffee can be bought in most coffee shops. The difference between the two professional regulations is that the coffee beans used in top coffee are larger, and the raw materials are taken from newly harvested coffee beans, so it is easier to ensure the quality of the products. Excellent coffee is usually softer and slightly more acidic than top coffee, but both are aromatic coffee with moderate granules and excellent fruit. Colombian coffee is often described as having a silky taste. Of all the coffees, it has the best balance, soft and smooth taste, and can be drunk at any time.

The thorny question facing Colombian coffee growers is whether to replace bourbon coffee with fast-growing and high-yielding Arabica coffee trees. Some people say that the quality will not be as good as it used to be, but others say that in the place where coffee is most suitable for growth, there will not be much difference in quality.

nineteen. Peru

Coffee is high-quality and balanced and can be used for mixed drinks.

Peru (Peru) is also a big coffee producer. Up to 98% of Peruvian coffee is grown in forest areas, and most producers are small farmers.

Peru has good economic conditions and a stable political situation, thus ensuring the good quality of coffee. However, there are many local problems, in addition to guerrilla warfare and drug trafficking, the emergence of cholera along the coast in the mid-1990s led to a further economic depression, and what is more, the annual inflation rate reached 7000%.

In the mid-1970s, Peruvian coffee production was about 900000 bags a year, and then steadily increased to about 1.3 million bags a year. Although private exporters buy coffee in remote areas through middlemen, the main market is still monopolized by the government. Then came the private Comerade Exportadores de Cafe delPeru, which is committed to improving the quality of coffee. Its primary task is to set standards and eliminate inferior products, thus creating an atmosphere of quality supremacy. This positive move heralds a bright future for the coffee industry. Since then, rising prices have encouraged farmers to actively grow coffee rather than cocoa, the region's traditional cash crop.

Peru's finest coffee is produced in Chanchmayo, Cuzco, Norte and Puno. Most Peruvian coffee is grown under natural conditions, but it is also difficult to confirm the cultivation of all coffee trees. Coffee grown under natural conditions costs 10% to 20% more than others, and farmers may not have the money to buy chemical fertilizers and pesticides in terms of poverty, but it is really difficult to confirm all the coffee.

The quality of Peruvian coffee is comparable to that of any kind of coffee in Central or South America. The high quality coffee produced by Peru is shipped to Germany for blending and then to Japan and the United States, which also illustrates its high standard of quality.

twenty. Galapagos Islands

Coffee is grown in San Cristobal (SaintCrst ó bal). St. Cristobal is a larger island in the Galapagos Islands (GalapagosIslands) and the only one in the archipelago with plenty of fresh water. At an altitude of 410m, there is a small lake called El.Junco, which forms streams along the rocks and volcanic rocks on the southern slope of the island, and mineral-rich fresh water moistens the land of St. Cristobal, keeping the soil moist and fertile.

In 1875, Ecuadorian Aboriginal J. Cobos planted about 100 hectares of Arabian bourbon coffee trees at the Hasunda Coffee Garden (Hacienda ElCafetal) in San Cristobal. The elevation of the plantation is between 140m and 275m, and the climate in this area is equivalent to that of 910m to 1830 m inland. This gradient is suitable for the growth of high acidity extra hard coffee beans (SHB) and is the key to the high quality of coffee.

As the world coffee industry is moving towards a targeted mass production model, a small and uncertain coffee industry like St. Cristobal is in trouble and may eventually be forced to give up without profit.

In the early 1990s, however, the Gonzalez family bought Hasunda Coffee Park. The localized microclimate caused by the Humboldt current (HumboldtCurrent), strong equatorial sunlight and sharp temperature changes (43 ℃ at sea level and 10: 16 ℃ at 275m above sea level) provided unique advantages that prompted the Gonzalez family to expand their coffee plantation.

Since then, the area of the coffee plantation has doubled through the reclamation of early land. Because of the unique role of the Galapagos Islands in the course of history, the Government of Ecuador has designated the Galapagos Islands as a national park and no longer allows the land to be reclaimed as new agricultural land. and the introduction and use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals are strictly prohibited, so coffee in the Galapagos Islands is recognized as a natural product.