Coffee review

Ninety + Joseph Brodsky, founder of CEO, gesha tree of the best coffee variety.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In 2007, the founder and current Chief Executive Officer-Joseph Brodsky personally went to Ethiopia, the native place of coffee, to look for wild varieties of coffee trees. After experimenting with different treatment methods, the coffee was finally made to speak in its own voice, which was heard by the whole world, full of fruit aroma and rich connotation. This is not enough, Joseph is also active in

In 2007, the founder and current Chief Executive Officer-Joseph Brodsky personally went to Ethiopia, the native place of coffee, to look for wild varieties of coffee trees. After experimenting with different treatment methods, the coffee was finally made to speak in its own voice, which was heard by the whole world, full of fruit aroma and rich connotation. Not enough, Joseph is actively buying a 134-hectare coffee plantation in Panama and planting 80, 000 gesha trees, which have been hailed as the best coffee variety in recent years.