Coffee review

Roasting method of White Coffee with low caffeine content baked at low temperature in Malaysia

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Why is white coffee not bitter, scorched or sour? Because white coffee is roasted at a low temperature, coffee beans are less likely to be scorched due to high temperature roasting, which can minimize the bitterness, charring and acidity of the coffee. Roasting at low temperature is the most important step for every coffee bean to outline its character and breed its fragrance. The raw beans of white coffee show an elegant brown by roasting, and this method of baking

Why is white coffee not bitter, scorched or sour?

Because white coffee is roasted at a low temperature, coffee beans are less likely to be scorched due to high temperature roasting, which can minimize the bitterness, charring and acidity of the coffee.

Low temperature baking

Baking is the most important step for every coffee bean to outline its character and breed its fragrance. The raw white coffee beans show an elegant brown through roasting. This roasting method can not only preserve the original flavor of the coffee beans, but also moderately release the fragrance. In 15-20 minutes, the oil begins to surface, and the beans are burnt into a bright dark brown. At this time, the sour, sweet and bitter taste of the coffee reached the most perfect balance, and the character of the coffee beans was clearly depicted.