Coffee review

The washing method of coffee beans introduces the treatment methods of coffee beans.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Then the raw coffee beans with residual pectin will enter the fermentation stage (fermentation with microorganisms in water or with microorganisms in the air); after fermentation, the fruit with endocarp will enter the flushing channel to rinse clean; after washing clean is the drying stage, the drying stage will try to keep the water content of raw coffee beans at about 12%, and then install them.

Then the raw coffee beans with residual pectin will be allowed to enter the fermentation stage (fermentation with microorganisms in water or air); after fermentation, the fruit with endocarp will enter the flushing channel to wash clean After washing clean is the drying stage, the drying stage will try to keep the water content of raw coffee beans at about 12%, and then put them in sacks and rest for about 2-3 months, in order to make the quality of raw beans more stable, and finally remove the endocarp and sell it!

As for the washing method, it is obvious that it will be a waste of water resources, so the place that will use this method is basically rich in water resources! Common in Central America, South America, Africa! Happy coffee growers will first pick coffee cherries from the trees and then pour them into a pool filled with water. Due to the different density caused by the maturity of coffee cherries, overripe and immature coffee cherries and some branches and leaves will float on the surface, while coffee cherries ripe enough will sink to the bottom. Naturally, in this way, we screened out some of the coffee cherry coffee beans that passed the first level, a brief introduction to the raw bean treatment method-- the sun method.

Tanning is a traditional method for the initial processing of coffee beans, and at present, almost all coffee-growing countries such as Ethiopia and Yemen still use solarization to treat raw beans.

Sun treatment will first identify sunken beans in the sink, that is, ripe or half-ripe beans are spread in the drying farm for natural drying. The specific time depends on the local climatic conditions, which usually takes two to four weeks. When the moisture of the coffee bean is reduced to 12%, then use a sheller to grind off the hard pulp and silver skin.

The sun treatment has a very high requirement on the climate, and if you encounter a rainy day in the sun, it will make the beans moist and moldy. When drying raw beans in the sun, the color is yellow, and the center will be brown after baking, rather than the white of washed beans. Sun beans have relatively better sweetness and mellow thickness, while less sour taste, but the quality is more unstable, there will be greater fluctuations. Due to the low cost of tanning, it is widely used not only in Ethiopia and Yemen, but also in Robbins grown in Africa and Indonesia.

Yega Xuefei is a small town in Ethiopia at an altitude of 1700-2100 meters above sea level and is also synonymous with Ethiopian fine beans. Since ancient times, it is a piece of wetland in Ethiopia. [Yega] means [settle down]. [Xuefei] means [wetland], so [Yejasuefi] means [let's settle down in this wetland]. Most of Yega Xuefei's beans are washed, but there are also a small number of excellent beans that can be treated in the sun. The cost of sun treatment is much higher than that of water washing treatment, because it takes manual time to constantly turn the red coffee fruit to enhance the attractive fruit aroma and mellow thickness.

Coffee insolation (Coffee Solar treatment) the treatment of sun-baked coffee | A brief introduction to the treatment of coffee beans and raw beans