Coffee review

How to add milk to coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, What would you like to add to your coffee? I also have a suggestion. The first choice: fresh milk. Imported brands are the best. Light cream, that's even more advanced. And the best. It is especially suitable for deep-roasted coffee like Manning. Second, no trans fat coffee partner, this kind of partner is only available abroad. I've never seen it in China. On the question of adding sugar. Uncle Dou suggested that he would rather take a sip rather than take a sip.

What would you like to add to your coffee? I also have a suggestion. The first choice: fresh milk. Imported brands are the best. Light cream, that's even more advanced. And the best. It is especially suitable for deep-roasted coffee like Manning. Second, no trans fat coffee partner, this kind of partner is only available abroad. I've never seen it in China. On the question of adding sugar. Uncle Dou suggested that he would rather take a sip than add sugar easily. Adding sugar does not make the coffee sweeter, but more sour.