Coffee review

Is there any grease in your coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Many friends who use coffee utensils other than Italian machines always struggle with the fact that the coffee they make is free of oil. There are even questions about whether coffee made from a mocha pot is espresso.

If we want to talk about this problem, let's look at it from two aspects. First, let's take a look at what's in a cup of black coffee besides water: caramelized sugars, flavored oils, quinic acid, and caffeine.

It should be understood that if there is no flavor oil in the coffee, then there is no difference between fried coffee and stir-fried corn (there is also oil in old corn). That is to say, it is decided that each cup of coffee from different producing areas has different taste mainly because of the difference of flavor oil.

The grease we are talking about is the golden or light camel grease on the surface of the coffee made by the Italian mechanism. Because only this kind of machine can ensure that the coffee is in this state when it is extracted, it also provides technical support for making fancy coffee.

The loudest voice here is the friend who uses the mocha pot, and some friends even ask whether the mocha pot coffee without a layer of golden fat on the top of the coffee is Italian (espresso). Uncle bean tells you, of course, must drop Italian is a way of extraction, can not see the oil is also regarded as Italian. But in fact, the grease is in the mocha pot, and there is an old-fashioned mocha pot with a thin curved tube on the bottom seat, and the coffee is made with golden grease like the Ruyi machine.

So do French presses, siphon pots and hand-brewed coffee have grease? For example, when the coffee is soaked, or even when the filter plug is pressed down, is the layer on top of the coffee in the pot considered grease? Some friends say that Uncle Dou is a layer of foam, but I seriously say that the fat of coffee is just rough.

We say that the coffee oil made by Italian mechanism is obvious and satisfying in coffee, which is determined by the method and principle of extraction. This method makes the coffee flavor oil dense and can stand in the cup for a long time, while the mocha kettle has high water temperature and insufficient pressure, even if there is grease, but it is not easy to stand for long. So he poured it into the cup and disappeared.

Siphon pots, manual brewing and even normal pressure are extracted without pressure. For example, when the coffee liquid flows from the upper seat to the lower seat near the end of the siphon pot, the foam on the top of the coffee liquid is also the fat of coffee. It's just that this kind of grease is rough and loose and is not easy to detect in the cup. It's like some cars with skylights and some cars without skylights, and there are people with convertibles. So different appliances bring you different enjoyment, don't worry about it.