Coffee review

[coffee beans] Java coffee beans in Indonesia

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Java Coffee, whose English name is java coffee, is also translated as Java Coffee. Java coffee (java Java coffee) planting distribution Java coffee beans (coffee powder) belong to: Robasda (Robusta) varieties, mainly distributed in African countries such as C ô te d'Ivoire, Angola, Madagascar and the Philippines, Vietnam and Indonesia (Java) and other places. Java coffee growing environment

Java coffee, English name java coffee, also translated as java coffee.

Java coffee (java coffee) planting distribution

Java coffee beans (coffee powder) belong to: Robasta (Robusta) varieties, mainly distributed in African countries such as Cote d'Ivoire, Angola, Madagascar and the Philippines, Vietnam and Indonesia (Java) and other places.

Java coffee growing environment and main producing areas

Robusta is cultivated in lowlands, resistant to high temperature, drought, rain, pests, adaptability is very strong, can grow very well in the flat, harvest does not necessarily need artificial, can be completely carried out with vibration machines.

Robusta coffee, which is commonly used in blending, has two main types: A. P. Robusta and W.I.B.Robusta.

Except for W.I.B. particles are larger, the rest of the particles are smaller, the biggest difference lies in the processing after harvest, so there are certain differences in appearance, aroma and taste.

Origin: Indonesia Java, Indonesia.

Grade or breed: W.I.B.& A.P.。

Indonesia was the first colony to grow coffee trees. Indonesia's archipelago is the world's largest producer of Robusta beans. This is called high-quality Arabica beans, such as Java and Sumatra.

Java: coffee bean species-Robusta

Sumatra: coffee bean species-Arabica

History of Java coffee (Java Java coffee)

The Dutch first introduced coffee to Central and South America in the 1820s. Coffee spread from Dutch colonies to Guyane française and Brazil, and during Dutch colonization they grew coffee in Malabar, India, and in 1699 brought coffee to what is now Batavia, Indonesia (Java). The Dutch colonies were once the main suppliers of coffee to Europe. Indonesia is currently the fourth largest coffee exporter in the world.

Later brought to Jamaica by the British. By 1925, coffee cultivation had become a tradition in Central and South America. That same year, coffee was grown in Hawaii, the only coffee producer in the United States, and Hawaiian coffee is one of the best in the world.

At present, 90% of Indonesia's coffee beans exported are Robusta beans, only 10% are Arabica. Before 1920, due to a major environmental disaster, Indonesia's coffee varieties were replaced by Robusta beans. Therefore, Sumatra's Mantenin coffee is a rare Arabica bean, which is a treasure before the discovery of Blue Mountain. Such genuine production is also very small.

Java has a unique position among Indonesian coffee. Java coffee cultivation began as early as the Dutch colonial period, and until the 1920s Java coffee was recognized as a world-class coffee, unique wet processing methods, and unique Java iron Bika coffee, IJEN volcanic ash landscape, excellent altitude above 4500 feet, and a long history of professional large coffee plantations, these factors make Java coffee outstanding quality.


Country of manufacture: Indonesia

Level: None

Growing area: East Java

Brand: Pancoer Village

Treatment method: wet treatment

Appearance: 2 d/300gr, 17-18SCR

Breed: Java Tiebika

Note: High fat content, delicious bitter sweet chocolate flavor, low acidity and nutty aftertaste are all characteristics of this coffee. This is an excellent Java coffee, simple and clear taste and excellent aftertaste to love.

Dry aroma (1-5): 3

Wet aroma (1-5): 3.4

Acidity (brightness)(1-10): 7.8

Taste (layering)(1-10): 8.6

Taste (body)(1-5): 4.5

Aftertaste (Residue)(1-10): 8.6

Balance (1-5): 0

Base Points (50):50

Total score (max. 100):86.1

Strength/Main Attributes: Medium Strength/Fresh Tobacco Leaf, Soil, Herbs, Rich in Oil

Recommended baking level: full city

Comparison: Java coffee differs from other Indonesian semi-washed coffees in that it has a higher acidity and is more similar to East Timor or Papua New Guinea coffee
