Coffee review

Nine factors of coffee taste influenced by common sense of coffee

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Coffee tastes unique and delicious and is liked by many people. Do you know what factors affect the taste of coffee? Although many people like to drink coffee, they do not know the common sense of coffee. Today, the editor will introduce you to the relevant knowledge of coffee, telling you about the nine factors that affect the taste of coffee and what are the benefits of drinking coffee. The common sense of coffee everyone knows what it is.

Coffee tastes unique and delicious and is liked by many people. Do you know what factors affect the taste of coffee? Although many people like to drink coffee, they do not know the common sense of coffee. Today, the editor will introduce you to the relevant knowledge of coffee, telling you about the nine factors that affect the taste of coffee and what are the benefits of drinking coffee.

The common sense of coffee

Do you know what affects the taste of coffee? in fact, among the taste factors of coffee, raw beans account for 60%, roasting accounts for 30%, and production accounts for 10%. This is a general analysis, so throughout the life process of coffee beans, the factors that from crop to cup-- affects the taste of a cup of coffee can be infinitely refined.

Do you know what affects the taste of coffee?

The first is the variety.

I believe you have all heard a saying: reap what you sow, reap what you sow, no matter what you sow, seed selection is the first. Of course, the coffee we talked about is a high-quality Arabica seed, but there are hundreds of small varieties under Arabica. Relatively speaking, the traditional bourbon, Tippica and Mocha are far better than the improved caturra,catuai in taste, although they have low yields. Although catimor, a hybrid of Arabica, Roberta and Arabica, has good yield and resistance to diseases and insect pests, it is relatively insipid in taste.

The second is geographical, climatic and environmental factors.

The second factor that affects the taste of coffee is the geographical and climatic environment, which includes a region's soil, precipitation, humidity, temperature, and some special environmental factors. Generally speaking, sandy soil with easy drainage is more beneficial to the growth of coffee, while volcanic soil is rich in nutrients. The suitable temperature for coffee growth is generally maintained at an annual average of 20 Mel / 30 degrees. Frost weather below 0 degrees is a devastating blow to coffee growth. In addition, sufficient light and timely and appropriate precipitation also have a great impact on the development of coffee fruit.

The third is the processing of coffee beans.

The third is the processing of coffee beans.

The most common are washing and tanning, and there is also a semi-dry treatment called "pulped natural", which is common in Brazil and Central America. The general washing method is beneficial to maintain the acidity and purity of coffee, and it is easy to produce bad sour taste if it is fermented excessively; the sun rule can highlight the mellowness of coffee and retain the richer taste of coffee, but it is easy to produce miscellaneous smell if it is not handled well. The semi-dry rule combines the advantages of both, which can not only ensure the purity of coffee, but also retain more fruity and mellowness, especially the coffee processed by this method has an incomparable sweetness, so the coffee processed in this way in China and the United States has a good name "honey coffee".

The fourth is the freshness of raw coffee beans.

Coffee beans are generally divided into "new crop" and "old crop" according to the harvest year. Although the newly harvested coffee beans tend to show too much astringency and sour taste, the new beans have more refreshing acidity and richer taste than the old beans "old crop", which are more than one year old. As long as they are roasted properly, they can get the rich taste of coffee, just like old rice without fragrance, and old beans lack distinct flavor. No depth.