Coffee review

Tell me about the coffee flavor wheel.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Friends who love boutique coffee should be no stranger to this SCAA flavor wheel, but many say they don't understand it, so let's briefly talk about the structure and expression of flavor wheel today! The flavor wheel is divided into the negative flavor spectrum on the left and the normal flavor spectrum on the right. First, let's talk about the right half of the flavor spectrum. This part is mainly about the classification and formation of coffee flavor and aroma enzymatic.


Friends who love boutique coffee should be no stranger to this SCAA flavor wheel, but many say they don't understand it, so let's briefly talk about the structure and expression of flavor wheel today!

The flavor wheel is divided into the negative taste spectrum on the left and the normal taste spectrum on the right.


First, let's talk about the right side of the flavor spectrum.

The content of this part is mainly about the classification and formation of coffee flavor and aroma.

Enzymatic fermentation: this is the flavor produced by fermentation during the treatment of raw beans (such as water washing, sun exposure, dense treatment), such as flower aroma, and fruit flavor.

Sugar browning sugar browning reaction: this part is the flavor produced by the caramelization reaction and Maillard reaction of coffee during roasting, such as nuts and chocolate.

Dry distilation dry distillation reaction: this part is the flavor produced by the dry distillation reaction in the coffee roasting process, such as currant, smoked flavor.

It is not very accurate to see that some people say that "the flavor wheel also represents the flavor produced by different degrees of roasting of coffee", but in fact there is a dry distillation reaction from the beginning of roasting.


Let's talk about the left half of the taste spectrum on the right.

This part is easy to understand, the basic taste sour, sweet, bitter, salty different sensory classification, it is said that the future flavor wheel will be more fresh.


Let's talk about the left flavor spectrum, let's start with the right half.

This part means that the coffee did not deal with the defective flavor during the harvest and drying stage and the flavor produced by aging during storage.

If it is not treated in time or the drying humidity and temperature is unreasonable after harvest, it will produce Rio flavor, fermentation flavor and so on. In the drying process, the coffee beans are heated too much, which will cause the decomposition of oil and produce leather and other flavors.

During the storage process after the raw bean treatment is completed, there are still some reactions inside the raw bean, the organic matter gradually changes and loses, the new bean will have the taste of grass, and after a few years of storage, due to the loss of organic matter, it will become the taste of straw and wood. at this time, the coffee is already very boring!


Finally, let's talk about the left half.

This part is the change caused by the external environment (cleanliness, humidity, etc.) during the storage and storage of raw beans, and whether the temperature is reasonable in the baking process.

In the process of raw bean treatment, the environment of raw bean drying is not clean. If it is dried on the ground, the coffee will absorb the smell around it and produce a smell such as soil, or if the humidity of the place is too high, the coffee bean may become moldy if it dries too slowly. Produce mildew.

In the process of baking, if the coffee beans are heated too fast, the coffee beans will produce smoke, carbon and other flavors. If the temperature is too slow, it will wear off the flavor of the coffee, and the taste will appear dull and boring.

The defective taste of fats changing chemically and acids changing chemically on the right is a serious flaw. In the SCAA cup test, there is a rebate of 4 points for the taste in the cup, and a slight flaw for fats absorbing odors and fats absorbing teastes on the left. 2 points will be deducted from the cup test, while improper roasting and loss of organic material do not belong to the defective flavor of raw beans, so they will not deduct the defective score, but will reduce the score in flavor performance.