Coffee review

Is the French kettle suitable for mocha coffee?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, What does mocha coffee mean? Mocha coffee is actually a very tangled name. There are two kinds of mocha coffee, one is mocha single coffee made from mocha coffee beans, and the other is made of Italian espresso (Espresso) with chocolate sauce, milk and milk foam, also called mocha coffee. Chen Lei: is the French pressure pot suitable for mocha coffee? This

What does mocha coffee mean?

"Mocha Coffee" is actually a very tangled name. There are two kinds of mocha coffee, one is mocha single coffee made from mocha single coffee beans, the other is made of Italian espresso (Espresso) with chocolate sauce, milk and milk foam, also called mocha coffee. Chen Lei: is the French pressure pot suitable for mocha coffee? This mocha coffee is classified as a fancy coffee based on Espresso.

Is the French pressure pot suitable for making mocha coffee?

1. The French pressure pot is suitable for making mocha coffee: it is suitable for making single mocha coffee beans. Grind the mocha coffee beans into a thicker coffee powder, then pour them into the French kettle, add water, and wait 4-5 minutes to press the kettle. Mocha coffee is finished.

2. The French press is not suitable for making mocha coffee: it is not suitable for making mocha coffee based on Espresso. The reason is that the only function of the French press in the process of making mocha coffee may be the function of a manual milking machine.

The coffee extracted by the French kettle is still not strong enough, not to mention the oil content. If the coffee made by the French kettle is paired with chocolate sauce and milk, it will really lose its flavor at all. Therefore, from this point of view, the French kettle is not suitable for the production of this kind of mocha.