Coffee review

Effect of steaming on coffee brewing

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, Last time we used the Smart Cup to get objective data on whether it was steaming or not and how long it lasted. Learn from the senses that with the increase of steaming time, the acidity decreases, and the sense of sweetness and stickiness increases. The overall flavor gradually moved backward, and more complex. From the display on TDS and EXT, we know that with the increase of steaming time, the values of TDS and EXT show a downward trend. And I.

Last time we used the Smart Cup to get objective data on whether it was steaming or not and how long it lasted. Learn from the senses that with the increase of steaming time, the acidity decreases, and the sense of sweetness and stickiness increases. The overall flavor gradually moved backward, and more complex. From the display on TDS and EXT, we know that with the increase of steaming time, the values of TDS and EXT show a downward trend. And we also mentioned that the smart cup is closer to soaking, so this time we will apply the same method to the V60 filter cup to see what kind of taste and data it will produce under the filter cup where we use water mixing.

The hand flushing test was divided into two groups.

In the first group, the cooking time was fixed at 2 minutes and 10 seconds, and the steaming time was 0 seconds, 20 seconds, 40 seconds and 60 seconds, respectively.

The second group is that we take into account that under different steaming time, but at the same brewing time, we must need large water to boil quickly to reach the expected cooking time of 2 minutes and 10 seconds when steaming for 60 seconds, so that as the steaming time extends, our later water injection will accelerate, and we all know that there is a big difference between the taste brought by the slow flow of hand coffee and the fast flow.

So we decided to add a second set of experiments in order to make the final data more objective. In the second group, the steaming time was still 0 seconds, 20 seconds, 40 seconds and 60 seconds, but the cooking time was also prolonged with the increase of steaming time.


Experiment one

Steps of experiment (1)

1. Weigh 15g coffee beans, small Fuji (ghost tooth) # 2 grind and set aside

2. Prepare enough 90 ℃ hot water

Group A: add 15g coffee powder to Hariov60 cone filter cup and inject 240g hot water in circles continuously. The total cooking time is 2min10s.

Group B: add 15g coffee powder to Hario v60 cone filter cup, first steam 40g hot water for 20 seconds, then inject 200g hot water in circles, the total cooking time is 2min10s.

Group C: add 15g coffee powder to Hario v60 cone filter cup, first steam 40g hot water for 40 seconds, then inject 200g hot water in circles, the total cooking time is 2min10s.

Group D: add 15g coffee powder to Hario v60 cone filter cup, first steam 40g hot water for 60 seconds, then inject 200g hot water in circles, the total cooking time is 2min10s.

(the first group and the second group in the hand flushing experiment were steamed with the same amount of water ≈ 40G)

Results of experiment (1)

Analysis of the results of experiment 1

Compared with the speculation before the experiment, it can be found that with the increase of steaming time, the change trend of flavor and taste is basically in line with the expectation, such as the decrease of acidity and the increase of sweetness and stickiness. The overall flavor gradually moved backward. The results of the overall extraction rate decreased in turn, which was consistent with the predicted results.

Cause analysis:

In this kind of dripping by hand, steaming time, brewing time, coffee powder bed temperature (that is, the actual brewing temperature) comprehensively affect the overall extraction rate. In this series of experiments, the actual extraction time and powder bed temperature have a significant effect on the results.


Experiment two

Step 2 of experiment (2)

In previous hand flushing experiments, the total cooking time was fixed, meaning that when the steaming time increased, the actual extraction time decreased. The following experiments will explore the effects of steaming or steaming and steaming time on the cooking effect when the water injection speed is maintained, that is, when the actual extraction time of each group is the same.

The steps of the experiment:

1. Weigh 15g coffee beans, small Fuji (ghost tooth) # 2 grind and set aside

2. Prepare enough 90 ℃ hot water

Group A: add 15g coffee powder to Hariov60 cone filter cup and inject 240g hot water in circles continuously. The total cooking time is 1min58s.

Group B: add 15g coffee powder to Hario v60 cone filter cup, first inject 40g hot water and steam for 20 seconds, then use 1min38s to inject 200g hot water in a circle, the total cooking time is 1min58s.

Group C: add 15g coffee powder to Hario v60 cone filter cup, first inject 40g hot water and steam for 40 seconds, then use 1min38s to inject 200g hot water in a circle, the total cooking time is 2min18s.

Group D: add 15g coffee powder to Hario v60 cone filter cup, first inject 40g hot water and steam for 60 seconds, then use 1min38s to inject 200g hot water in a circle, the total cooking time is 2min38s.

(the second group of hand flushing experiment: with the extension of steaming time, the cooking time was prolonged in turn.)

Results of experiment (2)

Analysis of the results of experiment 2

In this series of experiments, with the increase of steaming time, the change trend of coffee flavor and taste is about the same as the previous experiments. For the overall extraction rate, it decreased at first and then increased.


1. With the extension of steaming time, the temperature of coffee powder bed will decrease, the actual extraction temperature will be affected, and the extraction efficiency will decrease.

two。 It can be seen that with the extension of steaming time and the corresponding extension of actual extraction time, the increase of steaming time will increase the extraction efficiency to a certain extent, which can compensate or even exceed the decrease of extraction efficiency caused by the decrease of powder bed temperature.

In order to have a more detailed understanding of steaming, we carried out these groups of experiments. If you are interested, you can also do a rough experiment when making your own coffee to try the effect of different steaming time on the taste.

Understand these data and taste changes, can also be used in the usual hand-brewed coffee, if you want acidity outstanding flavor first, maybe you can consider not steaming or short-term steaming, want a balanced and solid taste, maybe you can consider steaming for a longer time. Many guests will ask us directly how long it takes to make coffee, how long it takes to brew coffee, and how much the water temperature is, and what we fear most is to give some prescribed rules or answers. There are so many kinds of coffee beans and so many baking styles. How can we make all the beans in one way? how boring!

Of course, if you want to do so, we often say that good beans will not be limited to cooking, but although there are many ways, there is always one that is the most suitable for that bean, or it may be your favorite taste. It's fun to try more.

The hand flushing experiment has always been a headache for us, because there are so many variables that it seems to affect its taste even if it is blowing next to us. I thought we could sort out this group of experiments as soon as possible after the last experiment, but as a result, we did it several times!

In fact, it doesn't matter to repeat a few times, the big deal is that our operator Xiao Hei is tired, but the point is that every time we finish rushing, we have to make sensory records. We are really dizzy, and less than three people begin to look dazed and silly in the store at noon! Fortunately, this is what we love! I also hope that the data will be of some use to you.

Next, we will continue to play seriously and seriously, and go into the coffee world to find out. If you have any questions or curious questions, you can also ask us. As long as the equipment permits, we will try to experiment to answer.