Coffee review

Coffee and Health

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee is recognized as a healthy drink. Caffeine stimulates the cerebral cortex, eliminates drowsiness, increases feeling and thinking, and can be used as a cardiotonic agent to regulate the function of the heart. in addition, coffee can also: appetizer, prevent gastroptosis, diuresis and dehumidification, promote kidney function, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, hemolysis and prevent thrombosis, enhance vasoconstriction, reduce fan, settle lung asthma, reduce the attack of asthma

Coffee is recognized as a healthy drink. Caffeine stimulates the cerebral cortex, eliminates drowsiness, increases feeling and thinking, and can be used as a cardiotonic agent to regulate the function of the heart. in addition, coffee can also: appetizer, prevent gastroptosis, diuresis and dehumidification, promote kidney function, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, hemolysis and prevent thrombosis, enhance vasoconstriction, reduce the incidence of asthma; lose weight and anti-aging Prevent gallstones. Black coffee has antioxidant effect, which contributes to anti-cancer and anti-aging. In addition, scientists found that people who did not drink coffee had a five times higher risk of Parkinson's disease than those who drank more than five cups of coffee a day, and coffee drinkers were less likely to get Parkinson's disease.