Coffee review

Chinese famous wine blending delicious fancy coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, There is no lack of coffee drinks mixed with western wine in the history of Chinese famous wine blending delicious fancy coffee, but Chinese fine wine combined with western-style coffee and officially launched for the market is still the first in the industry: Girls red coffee? What kind of feeling was this? Or, in a bookstore with a strong traditional Chinese culture, smell books and taste coffee. Time shuttles, Chinese and Western are combined, and the delicious food is more wonderful.

Chinese famous wine blending delicious fancy coffee

Coffee history is full of coffee drinks mixed with western wine, but Chinese fine wine combined with western coffee, and officially launched for the market, is still the industry's first: girl red coffee? What kind of feeling was this? Or, in a bookstore with a strong traditional Chinese culture, smell books and taste coffee, time shuttles, Chinese and Western, delicious more wonderful.

Information Times reporter Li Xinghui Wu Weiwei

Pacific Coffee is an innovative attempt to blend the essence of Chinese and Western cultures. It combines Chinese fine wines with Western coffee and creates three series of five drinks blended with Chinese famous wines. These five specialty drinks are now available at most Pacific Coffee outlets. After the launch of the new product, Pacific Coffee also launched "Happy Hours" in the store, offering special offers to customers who are willing to try something new.

Recommended Flavors

Flowers and Full Moon-Flower Sculpture Mocha Coffee

It has the aroma of flower carving, and the flavor is very good. Flower eagle also known as "girl red", ancient China which family gave birth to a girl, the full moon on the day of the selection of wine several jars, clay seal cellar; to be taken out when the daughter grew up to entertain guests. Western countries, on the other hand, are popular in giving out candy to friends and relatives after the birth of a daughter, sharing good things, and sometimes delicious chocolates. This "full moon flower" combines the local customs of celebrating the wedding of the Chinese and Western places, selecting representative materials to match into a unique coffee drink.

Chinese famous wine blending delicious fancy coffee

Osmanthus Chen Jundu Mocha Coffee

Osmanthus aged wine with more than 3,000 years of history, brewed from grapes and osmanthus, with fruity and floral fragrance, has been loved by royal nobles since ancient times. Cointreau orange wine is one of the world's famous flavouring wine, rich aroma mixed with sweet orange natural fruit, is very popular with women in the glass. The middle-style osmanthus Chen meets the Western-style Jundu orange wine, which produces wonderful chemical effect. Sip a mouthful of "Gentleman's Good Courtship". First, romantic osmanthus fragrance slowly assails the nose, and then taste it with taste buds. The sweet orange taste is particularly pleasant and irresistible.