Coffee review

Difference of Flavor characteristics between Solar and Water washing treatment of Yejiaxuefei Coffee beans introduction to brewing method of Yejiaxuefei

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In order to improve the quality, Ethiopia introduced water washing technology from Central and South America, which made the jasmine and citrus fragrance of Yega Xuefei clearer and more refined, and became one of the best quality beans in the world, thanks to its exquisite washing technology. since the 1970s and 1970s, this area has become the most popular water-washed bean producing area in Ethiopia. Insolation

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When it comes to African fine coffee beans, Front Street Coffee has to mention Ethiopia's Yega Shefi, whose delicate aroma, elegant acidity are all fascinating. It was precisely because of its outstanding flavor that Starbucks registered a trademark for Yejia Shefei in 2006, which triggered a trademark dispute between Starbucks and Ethiopia. This trademark battle ended in Ethiopia's victory two years later. Starbucks withdrew its application for trademarks such as Yejia Shefei, shook hands with Ethiopia, and continued to purchase coffee beans in a cooperative manner.

Although Ye Jia Xue Fei's flavor was very iconic, if you looked closely, you could also find the differences reflected in different treatments. Front Street Coffee has set up a small exhibition area in the store to display coffee beans of different treatments. It can be clearly found that the washing treatment method will present more silver skin than the coffee beans treated by sunlight. The iconic feature is the silver line in the middle of the coffee beans. In addition to the difference in appearance, it can also be reflected in flavor. Today, Qianjie Coffee will talk about the difference between washed Ye Jia Xue Fei coffee beans and sun-dried Ye Jia Xue Fei coffee beans.

Yegashefi coffee producing area

Yegashefi has always been one of the most important coffee producing areas in Ethiopia. It used to belong to the Sidama coffee producing area. Later, it became an independent coffee producing area due to the unique flavor of Yegashefi coffee beans. It can be said that Yegashefi is not only a coffee producing area name, but also a term describing specific coffee flavor. The Yejia Shefi coffee producing area is a high-altitude coffee producing area with an altitude of about 2000 meters. There are more than 40 cooperatives in the Yegashefi coffee producing area, mainly managing coffee cultivation on a family business model.

There are also many familiar micro-regions under the Yerga Shefi coffee region, such as Kocher, Fog Valley, Godibe and so on. These micro-regions have excellent cooperatives, and the coffee beans produced have their own unique flavor characteristics.

Yerga Shefi Coffee Bean Grading

Yega sherffy coffee varieties are native species, small particle species, relatively round shape, very small beans, mostly between 14-15 mesh. ECX (Ethiopian Commodity Exchange, established in 2012) classifies Ethiopian coffee beans in two ways.

On the one hand, the defect rate of coffee beans is graded. No matter whether it is washed coffee beans or sun-treated coffee beans, there are less than 3 defective beans per 300g of export green beans, which is grade G1, and 4-12 defective beans per 300g of export green beans, which is grade G2.

On the other hand, it is the grading definition of flavor evaluation. G1 and G2 grade coffee beans are evaluated by SCA American Fine Coffee Association cup test coffee bean quality, and the score above 85 is Q1 grade, and the score of 80-84.75 is Q2 grade.

Coffee processing method

Ethiopia traditionally uses the ancient log method, but after the introduction of washing method in 1972, after decades, the use rate of washing method is much higher than that of sunlight method. The coffee beans treated by washing method have reduced the degree of blemish and are cleaner and clearer in flavor.

However, there are farmers who prefer the sun treatment method. Coffee merchant Baghi misses the traditional flavor of sun beans and can't bear to replace the sun treatment method with water washing method. Therefore, he improves the sun treatment method, improves the flavor, reduces the defect ratio, and introduces several types of coffee beans from Fog Valley. The result is a blockbuster. Sun-treated yega sherfie coffee has once again regained its status.

The essential difference between solarization and washing is that solarization preserves the flavor of the pulp while washing removes it. In the taste can experience obvious difference, washed more clean and transparent, and the sun will taste rich.

It is also easy to distinguish between the senses, green beans washed coffee beans are generally green, and the sun is yellow-green. Roasted washed coffee beans have obvious silver skin, while sun-dried coffee beans have almost no silver skin residue, and the bean surface is smoother.

Yerga Sherfi Coffee Sunwash Roasting Advice

The most characteristic flavor of Yerga Sherfi coffee is its delicate acidity and rich fruity aroma. In order to maximize this flavor, light roasting is the most appropriate. Whether sun-treated or water-washed, yegha sherry beans maximize their special flavor when roasted lightly.

However, there are also moderately roasted Yejia Shefei coffee on the market now, which will slightly weaken its acidity and enhance its mellow degree in taste, but this does not reflect the original flavor of Yejia Shefei. The roasting goal of Front Street Coffee has always been to reflect the flavor of coffee producing areas. In fact, each coffee bean can be roasted into any kind, but Front Street Coffee thinks that the taste baked should first reflect the taste of the producing area. And then build on that to develop other possibilities. Sunny Ye Jia Xue Fei baking curve baking machine Yang Jia 800N (baking capacity 500 g)

When the furnace temperature reaches 200 DEG C, enter the pot, open the damper 3, the fire power is 150, the damper is unchanged, the temperature returning point is 135 ", when the furnace temperature is 140 DEG C, adjust the fire power to 180, and open the damper 4; at this time, the bean surface turns yellow, the grass smell completely disappears, and enters the dehydration stage. When the furnace temperature reaches 170 DEG C, adjust the fire power to 150 DEG C, and the damper is unchanged;

9 01", the bean surface appears ugly beard wrinkles and black stripes, toast flavor obviously changed to coffee fragrance, can be defined as the prelude to a burst, this time to hear the sound of a burst point, to 9 25" to start a burst, reduce the fire to 120 degrees, throttle to 5, a burst after the development of 1 40", 196 degrees under the pan.

Baking curve of washing yejia snow baking machine Yang Jia 800N (baking capacity 500g) furnace temperature to 200 degrees Celsius into the pot, damper open 3, fire for 160, damper unchanged, return temperature point 1 32", furnace temperature at 151 when the damper adjusted to 3.5, furnace temperature 140℃ when the fire to 180, damper unchanged; At this time the bean surface turns yellow, grass smell completely disappeared, into the dehydration stage;

8 35", the bean surface appears ugly beard wrinkles and black stripes, toast flavor obviously changed to coffee fragrance, can be defined as a prelude to explosion, this time to hear the sound of a burst point, to 8 53" to start a burst, fire power to maintain 180 unchanged, throttle to 4, a burst after the development of 1 45", 195 degrees under the pot. Sunlight plus snow cup test

Dry: Fermented, floral Wet: Citrus Entry: Fermented, citrus, lemon, salami, grape, oolong, berry, floral, caramel.

Wash ye jia sherry cup dry fragrance: floral wet fragrance: lemon entrance: citric acid, green tea sense, citrus, jasmine, orange, nut, floral.

Front Street How to brew washed and sun-dried Yerga sherfi coffee

The suggestion of light roasting coffee beans is to use V60 filter cup, the water temperature is about 90℃, the water powder ratio is 1:15, the powder amount is 15g, and the grinding degree is BG #5F (the pass rate of China No.20 standard sieve is 80%)

Qianjie coffee is extracted by stages. Generally, the amount of stewed water is twice that of coffee powder, that is, 30 grams of water stewed for 30 seconds. Small water flow circles and injects water to 125 grams. When the water level drops and is about to expose the powder bed, continue to inject water to 225 grams. The whole extraction time is 2 minutes.

Flavor Description [Sun-baked Coffee] lemon, citrus, berry, sweet orange, overall sweetness is high, sweet back with caramel, cream flavor, finish with black tea aroma. Lemon, floral, orange, sucrose, clean and refreshing overall, sweet with honey flavor and oolong tea aftertaste.

In general, sun-dried and washed coffee and sherry coffee are fruit acid, fruit juice is obvious, similar to lemon citrus fruits, washed coffee and sherry will be much cleaner than sun-dried.

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