Coffee review

Introduction of what kind of coffee beans are produced in Indonesia, flavor and taste of manor

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The main coffee producing area Java, the oldest producing area, continues its reputation from the glorious era of Indonesian coffee in the 18th century. When it comes to Java coffee, it is still reminiscent of quality and delicacy. At that time, the most famous blend was Java coffee with Yemeni mocha. In addition, Java also has a very famous old coffee Aged coffee, or monsoon coffee Monsooned c

Main coffee producing area

Java, the oldest producing area, continues its reputation from the glory days of Indonesian coffee in the 18th century. Java coffee is still reminiscent of high-quality delicacy, when the most famous blend is Java coffee with Yemeni mocha. In addition, Java also has a very famous old coffee Aged coffee, or monsoon coffee Monsooned coffee.

Sumatra, the most legendary producing area, well-known coffee logos include Mandheling Mantenin, Lintong Lintong and Gayo Mountain Gayusan.

Sulawesi Island, famous coffee includes Delaga Toraja.

In addition, Bali, Flores and Timor are also important producing areas.

Coffee planting mode

In the Dutch colonial era, coffee was mainly grown in large estates. After World War II, it experienced the process of nationalization and the movement of independence. Today, about 90% of the coffee produced in Indonesia is produced by small farmers.

The coffee was discovered because stingy Dutch planters banned local workers from drinking coffee. In order to get the magical fruit they had worked so hard to grow, they had to find another way to find it in the excrement of civets. After cleaning and grinding, it was made into world-class coffee, which was then found by the Dutch and became more expensive. Bali, as Indonesia's main tourist destination, is often famous for its golden coffee in tourist brochures. In fact, this is the special item of Golden Mandheling coffee in Sumatra, Indonesia, also known as Golden Manning. In Sumatra, which probably escaped the disease in the past, Mantenin is one of the top coffees in the world. It is slippery and mellow, with a heavier taste and a longer aftertaste than Java coffee. It may not be as delicate as Java, but more ferocious. The trademark of the golden butterfly can be identified at the time of purchase.

There are also some plantations in Bali that have been turned into resorts, such as the Munduk Moding plantation, which has been turned into a luxury resort with spa. The resort is close to the Central Lake District of Bali and the Munduk Mountain Station, and the nearby hills are covered with forests, coffee trees and rice, with charming surroundings and rooms with local characteristics. In fact, the divine coffee of Bali and other seas was only for Europe at that time, and it had to be transported by sailing for a long time, which made the coffee less acidic and tastier. In the more developed shipping period, businessmen had to put

Coffee is stored for several years to get a better taste, storage also brings higher prices, inferior quality, all kinds of smuggling is not uncommon. By the 1880s, Java coffee reached its peak, but the delicate Arabica coffee plant could not escape the plague. a rust hit many areas of Java, including Java, and large tracts of coffee trees died. at that time, only 1/10 Arabica coffee survived in Indonesia, mostly in Sumatra. Then the Dutch again brought Africa's stronger Robusta coffee, which is more resistant to diseases and insect pests, but tasted less than Arabica coffee, and the halo finally left Java.

The old plantations preserved today are now clustered in eastern Java, including Djampit, Blawan, Pancoer, and Kayumas4 plantations, all near the Ijen volcano on the Ijen plateau, who have grown the same kind of coffee from the 18th century to the present. But Java is no longer that Java, and when it comes to Indonesian coffee, people talk more about Sumatran mantenin coffee, or the more magical coffee Kopi Luwak, the legendary civet coffee. Luwak coffee is known as the most expensive coffee in the world, mainly produced in Indonesia's Sumatra, Java and other islands, but it is so rare that the civets swallow the coffee fruit and unexpectedly dissolve most of the bitterness after "sorrow". Leave more delicious coffee.