Coffee review

Introduction to the processing methods of coffee beans from growing to picking raw beans and ripe beans

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, The growth process of coffee beans introduces the natural treatment of raw coffee beans (dry processing): also known as drying processing. After the coffee berries are fully ripe, they will fall from the tree. After natural drying, the coffee beans will come out of the coffee berries and become mature coffee beans. This is probably the earliest way to process coffee beans. Later, this method evolved into drying processing.

Introduction to the growth process of coffee beans

Treatment of raw coffee beans

The method of natural treatment (dry processing):

Also known as drying process. After the coffee berries are fully ripe, they will fall from the tree. After natural drying, the coffee beans will come out of the coffee berries and become mature coffee beans. This is probably the earliest way to process coffee beans. Later, this method evolved into a "drying process".

The basic process of this processing method is:

Picking: usually picked by machine.

Drying: you can use sunlight to dry the fruit, or use a dryer to dry. Store in the cellar when the humidity reaches 12%.

Shelling: use a special sheller to remove the fruit shell.

Polishing: coffee beans retain the silver skin on the outside of coffee beans before they are exported. It will be removed only after the export order is placed and can be shipped abroad after polishing.

Coffee beans processed by this process are called "dried beans", or "natural beans".

Water washing method (wet processing method):

Due to the uneven quality of coffee beans processed by drying, another new processing method, called "washing method", was gradually developed. Coffee beans processed by washing are called "washed beans".

The basic process of this processing method is:

Picking: most of them are picked manually. Only ripe coffee berries of similar size are picked so that the peeling machine can handle them.

Cleaning: soak the coffee berries in water in order to remove overripe coffee berries. Coffee berries that are not ripe enough will be removed in other ways.

Peeling: after the coffee berries are softened in water, they are treated in a peeling machine, and some of the flesh will be removed.

Remove pulp: remove the flesh artificially and rinse with a lot of water in the cement ditch.

Clean the mucous membrane: put the coffee beans in the cement ditch again and wash the mucous membrane on the surface of the coffee beans with water.

Soak screening: soak the coffee beans in water to remove the overripe coffee beans floating on the surface.

Drying: exposure to the sun for one to three weeks, or machine drying, reduces the water content of coffee beans from 50% to less than 12%.

Storage and polishing: dried coffee beans can be stored in storage. But there is another step before export sales, which is polishing to remove the silver skin from the surface of coffee beans.